Friday 13 November 2015

{Separation}[27th March 1987]

[Redbook3:44-46][19870327:2157d]{Separation}[27th March 1987]


There was a time, in the flat in Chelsea, when I realised that my parents had betrayed us, and were preparing to leave us – myself, [W], and our small daughter – to the mercies of Landlord-developers, with the crooked lease which my [father] had imposed [on us]*. I went through a certain agony** of mind.

In the evening our front window was open, on a calm and warm night. Unexpectedly, a quiet but purposeful movement of Wind blew the curtains so that they streamed into the room, without noise, but with great strength; then they fell back against the window, and remained still afterwards. But I felt that a presence had entered the room, to help us: a strong Spirit of a female quality, whom I identified with the archetype +K; and I told [W] something of this.***

Not long afterwards, the presence being within my mind, I came to a decision that we would have to give in to the demands of [his] crookery: the important thing being that we now knew it for what it was. This we did; and that is how we came to be here, in [Scotland], now: I presume.

*and for which I had paid. <871006>

**Some would say that the feelings of this section are responsible for the feelings of the previous section – but even so, are they any less valid? <930120> [It is unclear what sections are referred to here, as the {section headings} were added later than the text (but probably earlier than the note).]

***[When asked about this years later, [W] had no recollection of it. <20151116>]



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