Monday 9 November 2015

{Gospel Circles [continued]}[26th March 1987]

[Redbook3:40-41][19870326:1543u]{Gospel Circles [continued]}[26th March 1987]


I can offer no pattern for the middle (or lower) stage of Jesus' mission, which seems fairly confused by the Gospels; possibly further study will clarify it a little. But the beginning and end hint at a possibly planned series of events exploiting the “dynamic” effect of equal and opposite inner and outer circles. This could have been effected by Jesus himself (with or without assistance); or it could have been superimposed by the Gospel historians. If this seems far-fetched (which it is), compare the famous ring dance in the Apocryphal Gospel of John, written probably about the same time (? – I don't have my copy* at present):
The number twelve dances on high...
The number eight dances below....**

Whether it was historically true or not, the remarkable thing is that it was written at all.

*[of MR James' translation (of the Acts of John at 95: the words are attributed to Jesus standing at the centre of what appears to be a circle dance <20160124>).]

'Grace danceth. I would pipe; dance you all. Amen.
'I would mourn: lament you all. Amen.
'The number Eight*** singeth praise with us. Amen.
'The number Twelve danceth on high. Amen.
'The Whole on high has part in our dancing. Amen.
'Whoso danceth not, knoweth not what cometh to pass. Amen.

***(lit.: 'One Ogdoad') <19870831>


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