Sunday 23 September 2012

{Domestic Problems}[6th May 1968]

[Redbook1:44-45][19680506:1715]{Domestic Problems}[6th May 1968][Age 16]

Monday 6/5/68
5.15 p.m.

            Yesterday morning in [the church] the Assistant Chaplain [...] started the service with a prayer; half way through the prayer he stopped and said words to this effect: I will now start the prayer again so that those who want to join in may do so more easily, not many of you seemed to join in last time.  (Or something like that).  He later gave a sermon consisting of a quarter hour of parenthesis.  The [...] House play had its last performance last night -- "Caligula" by Albert Camus was the play -- and got a good write-up in the school News-sheet this morning.

            The dress-rehearsal of Thursday's Combined Cadet Force Inspection also happened; it rained, but thank heaven it wasn't hot!  We were criticised on our turn-out.  Every time we came to attention sheets of water rose into the air from the puddles beneath our feet.  Minutes of careful boot-polishing went to the winds in the rain.

            When I was getting changed into corps things before the parade -- in a fearful hurry -- I discovered that all my clothes had disappeared (I had changed into basic corps kit before but I now had to put on my belt etc; my everyday clothes were the ones that had gone).  I asked Mrs F if she knew where they were, and she said that if they were on the central pegs she had put them in a heap on the floor.  I was very nearly extremely rude to her.  I said "Why is that, exactly" -- then the housemaster came in through the door and I added "I just wondered", to which she replied words to the effect of “You're not allowed to put your clothes on the central pegs".  I have put my everyday clothes on the central pegs ever since I came here and I have never before been told not to.  Only the presence of [...] the housemaster prevented me from giving her a piece of my mind and probably getting into deep water for it.  I like her, but she is rather thoughtless at times -- no doubt she thinks exactly the same about us boys.

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