Thursday 20 September 2012

{Ultimate Divinity}[5th May 1968]

[Redbook1:42-43][19680505:2050]{Ultimate Divinity}[5th May 1968][Age 16]

Sunday 5th May 1968
8.50 p.m.

            I have two original propositions concerning God.

            Perhaps I ought to stress first that I do believe in God -- I don't know why I do, but I just do.  But that doesn't stop me seriously considering other proposals.

            Firstly: nearly all kinds of divinities have a higher god and many lower divinities.  Usually there are several degrees of sub-divinities.  Pagan religions had one chief god and then lower chief gods (e.g. the Olympians) and, often, many degrees of guardian spirits.  Christianity has God and then the Angels, kindly divided for us by the Victorians [sic] etc. into ranks (cherubim, seraphim, etc.).  J.R.R.Tolkien shows the Valinor as God's sub-divinities.  C.S.Lewis's science fiction trilogy shows each planet (except for Earth) as having a resident deity who is subject to higher deities further away.

            Supposing all these are true.  Supposing that above each god in each religion there is another, almighty God?  And supposing there is one of Him for each planet, with a Ruler for each Solar System?  And supposing that above the Rulers there is a Supreme [Deity] in charge of each galaxy?  And supposing ....

            Where can it end?  It is something like the question of where do both Time and the Universe end?  Maybe they go on for ever -- there is always one deity higher.  And where do we stand?  To the insects, we must seem like gods as we trample them without warning from a clear sky, and provide them with food (I don't mean this to be taken absolutely literally).  Could it be that the system joins up at the end -- that the fate of the Supreme Deity, God of Gods, rests on the will (albeit instinctive) of the humble amoeba in the pool of stagnant water, to whom we appear like gods?


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