Friday 7 September 2012

{Workshy}[22nd April 1968]

[Redbook1:28][19680422:2000]{Workshy}[22nd April 1968][Age 16]

Monday 22nd April

            Today was the first full day of lessons this term.  I now have twelve regular study periods per week, not to speak of possible irregular ones -- I think I shall need every one of them!  As I only have thirty-four periods a week, that means that over one third of my periods are study periods.  But I am not working hard enough.  I spent this afternoon's study period reading H.G.Wells short stories.

            It is funny how one determines to work non-stop, then when one starts one finds that nothing is so enjoyable as the leisure reading which one had found rather boring when one actually did it.  One may settle down to a dry history book.  After about 10 pages one sees oneself reading for pleasure, and one's spirit longs to close the book.  After a time this feeling may become so strong as to interfere with the concentration on, and comprehension of, the book one is reading.  At that stage one has to stop, even if only to change to another work-book.  If only I could discover the secret of concentration on, comprehension and retention of what I read I would be made for 'A' levels!  But it must be only in the mind, and I must NOT get worried about it.

            There are only 9 weeks till the 'A' levels.


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