Monday 10 September 2012

{Cadets}[25th April 1968]

[Redbook1:30][19680425:0820]{Cadets}[25th April 1968][Age 16]

Thursday 25th April 1968

            I didn't manage to write an entry yesterday -- there was a C.C.F.parade which kept me busy for about three hours altogether, so I had to cram all the usual daily work into what time there was left.  In the bustle I forgot about the entry.

            We paraded in battledress -- very hot and sticky -- and the whole Combined Cadet Force joined in a Muster Parade in preparation for the C.C.F. Inspection.  Then the senior members of the Royal Signals -- of whom I am one -- went out in pairs to install and repair telephones on the prefects telephone line.  The C.O., Mr.[...], has told me that I must have my brass flags, which I and one other boy won for getting over 80% in the Classification Exam last summer, taken off and replaced by the cloth ones which everyone else has -- for the sake of uniformity!  I feel sore, but he is adamant.

            We used to be an ordinary signals section, but we were inaugurated as a Royal Signals Troop last summer in a grand ceremony, televised on Western t.v.  (I think), in which we all lost our nerve and forgot how to march.  It came out on t.v. as complicated mid-march manoeuvres!  We were the first section to be inaugurated as a Royal Signals Troop.

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