Sunday 30 September 2012

{A Tape-recorder}[20th May 1968]

[Redbook1:50][19680520:2200]{A Tape-recorder}[20th May 1968][Age 16]

Monday 20th May
10.00 p.m.

I have decide that I want to get a tape recorder if possible. It must have battery and mains power supply -- rather difficult, I think.

Today was awful -- two essays and two long paragraphs in the morning, and the threat of a context (Chaucer) test in the evening. Luckily we didn't have the last-mentioned after all -- luckily, because I had not done the work for it; I was so worn out after the morning!

France is becoming more strike-bound.

Saturday 29 September 2012

{Academic Relevance}[19th May 1968]

[Redbook1:49][19680519:2100]{Academic Relevance}[19th May 1968][Age 16]

Sunday 19th May
9.00 p.m.

            I spent all of today working, but I shan’t finish in time for the 4 essays tomorrow. I haven't a hope – another ‘E' or ‘F’ (nil) grade, I expect. My study-companion's radio has just been playing Elgar's P. and C. March No.1 -- Land of Hope and Glory. We ridicule them now, but there's no doubt that those Victorians had the right ideas. The fantastic optimism that shines through -- it's marvellous. Oh, why wasn't I born 100 years ago? One didn't have to work nearly so hard for these awful exams, either: I would do all those creative things that I want to do, instead of swotting away like this. It was intelligence, not memory, that they were after then -- intelligence to rule the colonies, etc. Today, 'A' levels want intelligence, but they also want a superb memory -- and I simply haven't got the right sort of memory for e.g. figures of price rises and dates. I can remember photographically (e.g. geography), and I can remember theories, but I cannot remember easily dates and so on. Then it didn't matter -- now it does. All I would ask is this: What use is memory of the date of Charlemagne’s second conquest of the Saxons going to be to the head of an industrial combine? Won't the sort of mentality that, given all the facts and figures before his eyes, can decide why Charlemagne conquered the Saxons when he did, be more use in this sort of business? But firms like good 'A' levels before they take you in.

            Luckily, I have all the qualifications for law school -- where I intend to go eventually -- to get in already; but university, particularly Oxbridge, is a prestige symbol that I feel I must get.

            My chief worry is that the most creative period of my life is being wasted. As I work my head brims with ideas; I feel that if I squash them too often, they will stop coming.

            Should we follow the French students’ example and secure -- perhaps not so violently -- abolition of the exam system?

Friday 28 September 2012

{A military hoax continued}[18th May 1968]

[Redbook1:48][19680518:1730]{A military hoax continued}[18th May 1968][Age 16]

Saturday 18th May
5.30 p.m.

            (I continue)     I.A. then pulled me away and explained to me that it was K.S. pretending to be an officer, and I was reassured.  Luckily no one had noticed my "mistake".  D, [teacher-]officer, recognised him instantly, however, and the game was up; "Hello S!"  "And who are you?"  "It is S., isn't it?"  (Here he lifted up K.'s hat)  "Who are you?" "I'm the [Head]Master." (a pause) "Well, if I may say so, your uniform looks very disreputable" says K.  After that the [teachers] tricked him into exposing himself [sic]; Q offered to drive him back to the School of Infantry, and K. had to reveal his identity, whereupon Q replied "I know" and got out of the Land Rover they were in.

            At about the time I was wondering where I had seen this odd-looking "officer" before, news came that (a) all the tents had been left behind at Armoury and (b) the 3-tonner lorry, with all the supplies, was lost.  At that stage, with dusk falling, the whole thing began to seem rather like a nightmare!  In fact the 3-tonner was found and went back to get the tents, so everything was O.K..  I slept well, but at about 5.30[am] a cuckoo started practising; he haunted my dreams till Reveille at about 7.30 a.m.  (Or was it 6.30?  I'm not sure).  The morning attack on the abandoned village of Imber was quite fun to watch, but I had nothing to do.

            We got back at about 11 o'clock.  I had a marvellous hot bath, and then, after lunch and debriefing, took it easy for a bit -- I tried reading history, but I couldn't concentrate because I was so tired.

            On Friday I was still dog-tired, and I still am pretty tired now.  I'm trying to catch up on the work I missed doing over Field Day (Thursday) and Wednesday; I have been working up till now.

            The weather has turned very cold (for summer) today.

Thursday 27 September 2012

{A military hoax}[17th May 1968]

[Redbook1:47][19680517:1245]{A military hoax}[17th May 1968][Age 16]

Friday 17th May 1968
12.45 p.m.

            Once again I am sorry about these gigantic omissions.  I am going to stop writing this in the evening, when I'm usually short of time, and do it in the daytime instead.  I shall try to divide each entry into (1) Events at home or wherever I am (2) Events in the world outside which interest me and (3) My comments and thoughts.  This record must not be taken to show everything in either of those categories.  I may be reduced to note form at times, but I really shall make great efforts to keep it up -- it is pretty pointless otherwise.

            Thursday I spent preparing for the C.C.F.Wednesday--Thursday night operation on Salisbury Plain.  It was quite fun but chaotic.  A funny looking, rather tired officer in an army greatcoat and officer’s hat and glasses turned up and claimed to be a bomb disposal expert from the Gunners at Larkhill doing a course at the School of Infantry at Warminster.  He said there were bombs in the C.C.F. army section campsite; it so happened, quite by chance, that there were.  He then asked to be shown over the C.C.F.operation, at which Major Q (i/c C.C.F.) beamed and took him back to H.Q.-- but not before our filming unit had rolled the live bombs away with their hands!  The "officer" asked several pertinent questions of V, boy cadet officer i/c R.A.F., such as "What exactly is the point of this exercise?" and “How do you tell if someone wins?"  It was by now getting darkish.  At about this stage I heard his voice for the first time, and realised that it was K.S., a boy in my form and a member of the C.C.F. army section.  Thinking that he must have put on the greatcoat etc. to keep warm, or to look after them for some officer, I went up to him and said "Hello, I thought for one moment that you were an army officer".  When he replied "Hello" very distantly, I withdrew, thinking for one moment that he really might be an officer and that I had made some ghastly mistake!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

{A nervous breakdown}[13th May 1968]

[Redbook1:46][19680513:2130]{A nervous breakdown}[13th May 1968][Age 16]

Monday May the 13th, 1968

            I'm sorry I've missed out for such a long time: the pace is hotting up.  [...], in my form, cracked up over the weekend from lack of sleep and went home, possibly till after 'A' levels.  He had been behaving strangely recently, but I must confess I thought no more of it.  "One of us has been found not strong enough...."

            I think that this may have an adverse affect on his likelihood of entering University, if he has to tell universities of it.  I am determined not to let myself get to that state.  One can actually convince oneself that one is happy, and that is half the struggle; it is only when one is tired that worries are magnified to frightening proportions.  I keep telling myself that I have another chance at 'A' levels and Oxbridge entrance.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

{Excuses}[9th May 1968]

[Redbook1:46][19680509:0000]{Excuses}[9th May 1968][Age 16]

Thursday May 9th, 1968

            I am sorry I didn't write yesterday, but I have an essay to write tomorrow and a lot of work still to do for it.  No time for more now, except to say that the General Inspection of the C.C.F. went off O.K. generally, though the helicopter was postponed by several hours and I didn’t see it.  I had a letter from M saying that she and D will probably be driving down to see me on Saturday. 


Monday 24 September 2012

{Co-educational democracy}[7th May 1968]

[Redbook1:46][19680507:2130]{Co-educational democracy}[7th May 1968][Age 16]

Tuesday 7th May 1968
9.30 p.m.

            The housemaster told us two things at house assembly.  Firstly: Boys can have [sic] girls in their studies if they ask for permission, in fact it is encouraged, but those who do not ask for permission first will not be tolerated.  Secondly: A draft plan to reorganise House is being formed and a committee of boys has been set up to consider the housemaster's proposals.

            I spent the afternoon "organising" the [...] Railway Preservation Society as a commercial tourist-trade network of lines, instead of working, so I haven't time to write much.  It rained a lot today; I should have scored for a Thirds cricket match, but it was called off.  I got some money from the post office (out of my PO book) and bought a tin of bean and bacon soup, a tin of baked beans, a tin of Nesquik and a Walls’ steak pie.  The new Mace supermarket, which opened last Friday, is rather brash and hygienic -- canned music with canned goods.

Sunday 23 September 2012

{Revolting Students}[6th May 1968]

[Redbook1:45][19680506:1715b]{Revolting Students}[6th May 1968][Age 16]

Monday 6/5/68
5.15 p.m. {continued}

            I wish the students who riot at Universities could see that they are seriously endangering their own freedom of speech.  By rioting, they lead people and politicians to despise and curse that very freedom to meet and talk and hold opinions, which is the basis of our democracy, as a dangerous privilege; as so indeed it is, in the hands of people with a small or warped sense of responsibility.  The very fact that we in England are still allowed to oppose the government without any form of hindrance or stigma is due to the carefulness and moderation we have always exercised in so doing.  If students -- and others -- try to influence the course of politics by action rather than words -- by violence rather than peaceable persuasion -- then it might not be long before public opinion and governmental authority decides that, for safety's sake, political meetings and incitement to political violence are crimes punishable with imprisonment -- and there goes democracy.  For the sake of their own freedom to riot, students must not riot.


{Domestic Problems}[6th May 1968]

[Redbook1:44-45][19680506:1715]{Domestic Problems}[6th May 1968][Age 16]

Monday 6/5/68
5.15 p.m.

            Yesterday morning in [the church] the Assistant Chaplain [...] started the service with a prayer; half way through the prayer he stopped and said words to this effect: I will now start the prayer again so that those who want to join in may do so more easily, not many of you seemed to join in last time.  (Or something like that).  He later gave a sermon consisting of a quarter hour of parenthesis.  The [...] House play had its last performance last night -- "Caligula" by Albert Camus was the play -- and got a good write-up in the school News-sheet this morning.

            The dress-rehearsal of Thursday's Combined Cadet Force Inspection also happened; it rained, but thank heaven it wasn't hot!  We were criticised on our turn-out.  Every time we came to attention sheets of water rose into the air from the puddles beneath our feet.  Minutes of careful boot-polishing went to the winds in the rain.

            When I was getting changed into corps things before the parade -- in a fearful hurry -- I discovered that all my clothes had disappeared (I had changed into basic corps kit before but I now had to put on my belt etc; my everyday clothes were the ones that had gone).  I asked Mrs F if she knew where they were, and she said that if they were on the central pegs she had put them in a heap on the floor.  I was very nearly extremely rude to her.  I said "Why is that, exactly" -- then the housemaster came in through the door and I added "I just wondered", to which she replied words to the effect of “You're not allowed to put your clothes on the central pegs".  I have put my everyday clothes on the central pegs ever since I came here and I have never before been told not to.  Only the presence of [...] the housemaster prevented me from giving her a piece of my mind and probably getting into deep water for it.  I like her, but she is rather thoughtless at times -- no doubt she thinks exactly the same about us boys.

Friday 21 September 2012

{Prophets from Outer Space}[5th May 1968]

[Redbook1:43][19680505:2050b]{Prophets from Outer Space}[5th May 1968][Age 16]

[Sunday 5th May 1968
8.50 p.m.][continued]

            Another theory: were the prophets of history mostly men who were picked up by alien spacecraft and trained to prepare the world for the alien’s coming?  Responsible aliens might pick up a wandering human and train/indoctrinate him to spread the word.  This would account for the periods during which most prophets "disappeared" before they began to preach – i.e. Christ's 40 days in the wilderness.  An S.F. story has been written describing Elijah’s journey through the heavens in his "fiery chariot", and how (due to Einstein) he arrived back in (I think) our future.  Imagine a newly trained prophet starting his task.  "I bring messages from above" he says.  He is either ignored, upon which both he and the aliens lose heart and, seeing that the world is not ready to receive aliens, go back to their respective homes; or else the people claim him as God or a prophet from God -- and, people being what they are, he cannot convince them of his origin.  He shows them miracles to prove his point, and it only proves their point as well.  So the aliens decide that the world is not yet ready for them and leave.  If the prophet wants to go they take him with them, as they did to Elijah (or was it Elisha?  I don't think so).  If he has decided to play it cool and go along with the mob (like, some might say, Christ did) they leave him to it.  Eventually such a prophet would be greeted neither with misplaced enthusiasm or scepticism, but merely with belief -- then they will show themselves, the aliens.

            I don't ask to be believed -- it is just, perhaps, an exercise in where imagination and reasoned argument can take you.

Thursday 20 September 2012

{Ultimate Divinity}[5th May 1968]

[Redbook1:42-43][19680505:2050]{Ultimate Divinity}[5th May 1968][Age 16]

Sunday 5th May 1968
8.50 p.m.

            I have two original propositions concerning God.

            Perhaps I ought to stress first that I do believe in God -- I don't know why I do, but I just do.  But that doesn't stop me seriously considering other proposals.

            Firstly: nearly all kinds of divinities have a higher god and many lower divinities.  Usually there are several degrees of sub-divinities.  Pagan religions had one chief god and then lower chief gods (e.g. the Olympians) and, often, many degrees of guardian spirits.  Christianity has God and then the Angels, kindly divided for us by the Victorians [sic] etc. into ranks (cherubim, seraphim, etc.).  J.R.R.Tolkien shows the Valinor as God's sub-divinities.  C.S.Lewis's science fiction trilogy shows each planet (except for Earth) as having a resident deity who is subject to higher deities further away.

            Supposing all these are true.  Supposing that above each god in each religion there is another, almighty God?  And supposing there is one of Him for each planet, with a Ruler for each Solar System?  And supposing that above the Rulers there is a Supreme [Deity] in charge of each galaxy?  And supposing ....

            Where can it end?  It is something like the question of where do both Time and the Universe end?  Maybe they go on for ever -- there is always one deity higher.  And where do we stand?  To the insects, we must seem like gods as we trample them without warning from a clear sky, and provide them with food (I don't mean this to be taken absolutely literally).  Could it be that the system joins up at the end -- that the fate of the Supreme Deity, God of Gods, rests on the will (albeit instinctive) of the humble amoeba in the pool of stagnant water, to whom we appear like gods?


Wednesday 19 September 2012

{Intelligence and Achievement}[4th May 1968]

[Redbook1:41][19680504:1800]{Intelligence and Achievement}[4th May 1968][Age 16]

Saturday 4th May 1968
6 p.m.

            I have decided to go and see "A Man for all Seasons” at the town cinema -- although I have seen it before, it was so good that I should like to see it again.  We had a test (two long paragraphs, some definitions, and one short paragraph) this morning on Vikings and Carolingians for Dr.  D.  I expect I have done badly again.  I'm feeling rather depressed about 'A' levels; I seem to be getting worse marks than usual this term.  I expect it is partly because the various [teachers] are tightening up on mistakes etc., but it is still rather depressing.

            I know that I'm not stupid, and I know that in many ways I am cleverer than some people who get better marks than me because they can work without stopping and remember dates and figures.  Yet they will get better grades than me at ‘A’ level.  This means that they will stand better chances of getting to university, and hence better jobs will be open to them.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

{Transplants & birth control}[3rd May 1968]

[Redbook1:41][19680503:2210]{Transplants & birth control}[3rd May 1968][Age 16]

[Friday 3rd May 1968]
10.10 p.m.

            I have just listened to the News: heart transplant in London, liver transplant in Cambridge, heart transplant in Texas, heart transplantee in California "doing well" (?).  What does it mean?  Androids (artificial men) don't seem to be so unlikely, nor does immortality.  We must encourage birth control.  And how shall we decide who (only a few will be possible at first) should have the benefits?

Monday 17 September 2012

{Machine Intelligence}[3rd May 1968]

[Redbook1:40][19680503:2050]{Machine Intelligence}[3rd May 1968][Age 16]

Friday 3rd May 1968
8.50 p.m.

            I am in the middle of replanning British Railways, so I cannot write much -- little time to spare.  We had a lecture by Professor Donald Michie this afternoon about machine intelligence -- he predicts machines which can talk intelligently in 10 years time, and he should know -- he is head (?) of the department of machine intelligence (?) at Edinburgh University.  Very interesting.


Sunday 16 September 2012

{Race Panel}[2nd May 1968]

[Redbook1:39][19680502:1815]{Race Panel}[2nd May 1968][Age 16]

Thursday 2nd May 1968

            I thought that I had written Tuesday's entry yesterday, so I left yesterday blank; I'm sorry.

            This morning there was a sort of panel in the [...] Hall, instead of Chapel.  Mr. T, Mr. L, Mr. R, and Mr. P were on the panel, and they answered some previously submitted questions on race relations, foreign aid, etc..  Mr. R presided, and read out the questions in his cynically quiet way; Mr. P, from an organisation in London, answered questions from an expert professional’s point of view; Mr. L gave the "Red" point of view; and Mr. T gave the "reactionary" point of view.  Mr. T embarrassed me and others by dwelling on the fact that immigrants don't smell like us or go to the lavatory like us, and therefore should dwell apart (or adapt themselves to us).  There are several coloured immigrants in the school, most of whom were in the Hall then, and I was rather embarrassed.  Mr. L, so I am told, nearly exploded!  He is an earnest and, I think, unrealistic left-inclined physics [teacher], who holds forth on his views at lunch and twitches his mouth when he speaks.  He is [...] House Tutor.  I think he has a slightly nervous temperament, though he hides it quite well.  He is President also of the Railway Society.

            Only one study period this morning.  After lunch I went to get my hair cut -- [my] C.O asked me to do so, yesterday -- and I have been working on Bronstead’s "The Vikings" ever since.  Tonight I am going to go to the dress rehearsal of the [...] House Play, "Caligula” by Camus.


Saturday 15 September 2012

{Autumn}[30th April 1968]

[Redbook1:39][19680430:2000]{Autumn}[30th April 1968][Age 16]

Tuesday 30th April 1968

            I saw a leaf fly from a tree, spiralling, twisting up into the wind, looping, down again and leap from ridge to furrow, up over and away behind the hill to land unknown.


Friday 14 September 2012

{Immigration and Race Relations}[29th April 1968]

[Redbook1:36][19680429:1900]{Immigration and Race Relations}[29th April 1968][Age 16]

Monday 28h April 1968

            I have just not eaten a very nasty supper of old fish fried in breadcrumbs (artificial) with lumpy mashed potato.  One mouthful was enough.  O.K., I know there are thousands starving in India who would love this food -- but that's no excuse for serving up foul on muck of this sort.  Even at 2/-a meal, I should have thought that they could do better than that.

            The rain is sheeting down outside, I have had a bad essay handed back to me (about Grade 'O' standard at 'A' level), and I have a lot of work which I feel singularly disinclined to do.  However, I have written a little more verse and I have, I hope, got myself out of judging [?] the 'Babcock' Athletics Trophy, so things aren't too bad.

            I am having some difficulty in choosing my natural style of writing.  On the advice of Dr. D, I have decided to adopt this sloping style since, although it is less tidy than the upright style, it is easier and does not slope backwards -- I am told that backward sloping writing is a disadvantage when one is applying for a job, since it indicates nervous disorders etc.  I am also told that large writing is an advantage, so I shall try to adopt it.  D says that upright writing his best, but mine tends to slip backwards so I can't use that safely.

            The immigration problem is worrying me slightly.  I think the Americans' pessimism is slightly wishful thinking: they would secretly like to see us in the same boat as them, if only for company, as we, no doubt, would secretly like to see them in financial trouble -- not through malice, but so that we would not feel so alone in the scornful eyes (we imagine) of the world.  We have not the same inbred sense of superiority and scorn for the black man as the American South has in many places; therefore, it should be an easier job to eradicate it.  The most important thing is that schools and facilities for young people should NOT be segregated; I have a small hope that the next generation -- my generation -- will accept black men completely, so long as they can be indoctrinated -- yes, I'm afraid that is the only word, to do so.  But it is for this generation's prejudices and fears that we must plan.  Part of the problem is that at this particular moment there is overcrowding and unemployment and individual and general insecurity.  Overcrowding often encourages militancy -- it is one of man's deepest instincts, I think, to swing his arms about and clear space for himself in overcrowded conditions.  How else can he have survived by migration?  -- In early times, the great migrations must, I think, have occurred when overcrowded conditions made famine inevitable, but before it occurred -- otherwise it would have been too late.  This is why archaeologists puzzle over the causes of the great migrations, because there are no visible signs of a catastrophe – i.e. piles of bones -- to cause such migrations.  The answer is that nature takes over before famine strikes -- usually, but not always.  But I digress.

            As I was saying, overcrowding encourages men to fight, whether for air or for rights.  Unemployment and insecurity desire scapegoats, and who better than men who one knows to have recently arrived in the country, because of their colour?  [“]They are the root of the trouble.  They are the men who are taking our jobs, sleeping with our wives, marrying our children, infiltrating [...] the most sacred aspects of our great Nation’s Way of Life....[“]

            You see what I mean by prejudice.

            We must make it absolutely illegal to incite racial hatred -- in fact, we have already done so, but the law either isn't strict enough or isn't being enforced enough.  I'm afraid this is one area where we really can't afford freedom of speech as we know it today.  This may sound awful, but think of these possible headlines: Race Riots in London; Birmingham burns; Looters in Edinburgh; Troops called in in Coventry.  Perhaps it is the last phrase which has the nastiest ring; a nation which has to use its own forces against its own people is in a sorry state indeed.  We must also set up a body (not another one!) with complete powers to regulate the number of people coming into Britain.  They may choose on the basis of intelligence, need, or whatever -- or even on colour.  At a time like this they should allow virtually no one in.  Their facts of admittance (figures) must be made available to the public at regular, short intervals.  No immigrants should be sent home, but all who wish to should be given a free passage so long as they clearly understand that they will not be allowed back.  Perhaps those who we want to keep should not be offered a free passage.  All this must be irrespective of colour, we hope.  The racial discrimination laws should be enforced on blacks who lead protest (militant) marches as well as on white employers who refuse black men jobs -- simple tests could be made by phone -- on account of their colour.

            Immigrants should get voting rights and free services e.g. National Health Service at a short interval after they arrive -- from one year till three years, depending on what the privilege is -- but they must lose these privileges if they have their fare home paid for.  They can give e.g. one year's notice that they are going to come for things like education and national health.  England must be made to look like less of a paradise and more of a workhouse to those abroad.

            Of course, the basic problem is one you can't legislate against -- that of the basic instinct of people to keep the stock pure.  This can be indoctrinated out, however, by modern mass media -- the press, t.v., schools, political speeches, radio, advertisements, and the Church.  Perhaps the last would play the most important role in giving forth Christ's attitude to colour prejudice, and in emphasising that "Love thy Neighbour” includes black men.  They should indeed say that a man who hates his neighbour because his skin is dark has no right to call himself Christian -- I believe this to be so.  Unfortunately, the Church feels itself to be in such a precarious position that it probably will not risk itself in this cause -- in which case it will have failed in its duty to God and mankind.

Thursday 13 September 2012

{Priorities}[28th April 1968]

[Redbook1:36][19680428:2255]{Priorities}[28th April 1968][Age 16]

Sunday 28h April 1968

            I have just decided that my press-cuttings scheme will only be a sample, of one week’s duration.  I have just spent an evening filing press cuttings, during which I had hoped to make an entry in this book among other things!  But I must now prepare for bed.


Wednesday 12 September 2012

{Co-ed}[27th April 1968]

[Redbook1:35-36][19680427:0915]{Co-ed}[27th April 1968][Age 16]

Saturday 27th April 1968

            There are going to be about fifteen girls in the school next term.  This is a great advance for a boys’ boarding school, and some parents are against it; but I think it is a good thing.  You can have little idea how boring and frustrating life can become with only boys around; I have only been here a week, and already I feel frustrated and lonely.  I have only begun to feel like this this term.  It isn't as though I am a sex-maniac in the holidays; I'm not.  It's just having girls around that makes the difference.  I am sure that this is an unbalanced existence; it is unnatural, against nature, and so it leads to other ["]unnatural["] things -- such as homosexuality.  Most homosexuality in this kind of school is, I think, clearly a result of this unbalanced existence; I don't mean that boys would sleep with girls if there were girls here, but the very fact that they were here would lead to a relaxation of many of these sexual tensions.  I think everyone goes through a slightly homosexual phase, anyway; I know that I did for about two terms -- though I never did anything, because reputations tend to live on -- but it seems to have gone now, thank goodness.  Possibly it's disappearance may be connected with two things: firstly, I am beginning to be interested enough in girls to do something about it; secondly, I think there is a good chance that some of the (post-‘O’ level) girls who are coming next term will be attached to [...][this] House.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

{Frustration}[26th April 1968]

[Redbook1:35][19680426:2245]{Frustration}[26th April 1968][Age 16]

Friday 26th April 1968

            I have no time to write -- so I shall tell you all tomorrow.  I felt frustrated.


Monday 10 September 2012

{Pre-marital Sexual Intercourse}[25th April 1968]

[Redbook1:30-35][19680425:0915]{Pre-marital Sexual Intercourse}[25th April 1968][Age 16]


            I am writing this in the first study period morning.  I had an idea this morning which I wanted to get down as quickly as possible lest I forget it, so I brought the book into school with me -- I only hope nobody sees it lying around and wants to look at it, because I shall have to say "no" and explain my negative.

            The question is premarital sexual intercourse, about which there was so much controversy a short time ago.  Let me say at once that I am not trying to dictate to anybody the principles by which they should work -- I'm only trying to clarify my own thoughts on the subject (This is how all the good, influential sermons begin).

            There are four courses open to "the young unmarried".  He/She may decide not to sleep with anyone till marriage, or to sleep only with the person he/she intends to marry, or to sleep only with people with whom he/she is in love, or to sleep with anyone who takes his/her fancy.

            Sleeping with anyone who takes one's fancy is, I think, rather a stupid, and even suicidal (in that it kills the source of enjoyment) course to take.  The experience of having sexual intercourse with someone has been described to me as the most beautiful thing on earth -- but it can be divided like anything else.  Men who are simply looking for sexual excitement and feeling can get that perfectly well from masturbation.  There is still some guilty feeling about masturbation, but I think it is misplaced; if there is no God, then there is nothing to stop one's use of "nature’s" own "gift" to men, but if there is a God, then I don't think he would have provided a hand to fit a phallus so exactly had he not meant to use it.  I am sure that the ability to masturbate serves a good purpose -- by channelling off man's energies and desires into harmless and easy activities, it serves to protect the more beautiful and perhaps sacred aspect of sex -- sexual intercourse -- safe from the contempt that is bred by familiarity.  In other words, I would rather satisfy myself frequently by masturbation then by sexual intercourse -- the former can be "devalued" much less than the latter, as the former is much less of a spiritual experience than the latter.  It is a proven fact (I think) that men who sleep with women a lot generally grow tired of it quite quickly, but go on with it because, very often, they cannot think of anything else to do.  (Oddly enough, this doesn't always seem to apply to married couples -- perhaps it doesn't apply when both parties are in love with each other).  I understand that for women the problem is different, since they don't suffer from the same lasts as men.  But if they do over-use their right to sleep with men, the same results would, I think, occur.

            The other extreme course is not to sleep with anyone until one's marriage, and then (presumably) only with one's husband/wife.  I think that this, too, is unwise, especially for men.  Men often fall in love with a woman because she is mysterious -- there is something they want.  But they often find that once they've got it -- i.e. slept with the girl -- they don't want it any more.  If they discover this during engagement then they can still break it off, but if they only discover after marriage it is generally too late without a divorce, which I abhor for reasons I shall give later.  Whether the problem is the same for women I don't know, but I imagine it is.

            The idea of having sexual intercourse only with those one intends to marry is praiseworthy, but it seems a pity if one loves someone but knows one cannot marry them or if one has not discussed it yet -- though the former case is rare, the latter is common -- one may love someone, but only decide if one wants to live with him/her after having had sexual intercourse with him/her.  It is also very important not to feel bound to marry someone after having had sexual intercourse with him/her.

            Therefore, I think that it is best to have sexual intercourse with people one loves very much, to find out whether one would like to live with him/her.  It is much better to find out before marriage -- even before engagement.  Males should use masturbation for physical sexual thrills, and reserve sexual intercourse for a more spiritual type of love.

            This all sounds fine in theory, but in practice, of course, there are many obstacles.  For one thing, the social prejudices of this age, though they can be worn away in time, will not at present look favourably on man and woman living together before marriage to find out whether they are suited to each other.  Secondly, if social prejudices were got rid of there would be a lot of less intelligent people who would take advantage of "the new immorality" to do exactly what I discouraged earlier -- using the other sex as sex-machines.  This would be against their own interests, as I have pointed out above, but also against the interest of everyone else in that the sexual licence would continue after marriage.  The whole point of relaxed controls before marriage is to increase the sanctity of marriage itself.  Many of the broken marriages of today are due, I feel sure, to overhasty marriages in the first passion of a temporary love.  If couples can have the opportunity to find out all there is to know about each other before marrying, and to experiment with the married state before marriage, I am certain there would be fewer broken homes, fewer divorces, and fewer maladjusted children.  This is why divorce is so terrible; it is sad to hear supposedly loving couples quarrelling, but it is tragic to see their children deteriorating as their family life deteriorates around them.

            These, then, are the measures I hope to see taken -- not by legislation, but by the people as a whole.  Firstly, social prejudice should clamp down on the kind of person who uses the opposite sex as sex-machines, but should be sympathetic with couples (who are obviously hoping to marry) living together to find out whether marriage will work for them.  Secondly, contraceptives should be made easily available, on the National Health if necessary, to stop the flow of illegitimate births, and sex education (both biological and sociological) should be given to unmixed classes of pupils in adolescence (they must be unmixed so that both get the idea that their sexual company must be given away with discrimination and not carelessly).  Thirdly, the sacrosanct image of the marriage and the family -- especially the family -- must be built up by the Church and other suitable mass communications systems.  Divorces should remain easy to get, but should be looked on as a kind of stigma.

            In this way, by encouraging pre-marital sex within limits, I hope we shall discourage the various marital complications -- such as adultery, divorce, wife swapping, etc. -- which have such a bad effect on children.  Wife swapping may indeed be a good way to save a marriage from collapse, but marriages really should not be entered upon if such results are likely to occur.

            It really is time that someone did a proper survey on all the things that go to make up a marriage -- length of engagement, length of time during which couples knew each other before marriage, whether there was premarital intercourse, number of children, and so on -- and related these factors to the success of the marriage.  Obviously such a task will be fraught with complications, but I think the interest of the results would well repay the trouble taken in obtaining them.

            I went down to the bank today and got a New Tenpence piece and a new Five Pence piece.  They are already showing signs of wear on their faces if one holds them up to artificial light.  I couldn't get all I wanted because the bank (Barclay’s) had orders not to get rid of them too quickly, apparently.  I am desperately saving up all the old coins I can -- I want to try and get a complete set of all coins from 1900 if I can.


{Cadets}[25th April 1968]

[Redbook1:30][19680425:0820]{Cadets}[25th April 1968][Age 16]

Thursday 25th April 1968

            I didn't manage to write an entry yesterday -- there was a C.C.F.parade which kept me busy for about three hours altogether, so I had to cram all the usual daily work into what time there was left.  In the bustle I forgot about the entry.

            We paraded in battledress -- very hot and sticky -- and the whole Combined Cadet Force joined in a Muster Parade in preparation for the C.C.F. Inspection.  Then the senior members of the Royal Signals -- of whom I am one -- went out in pairs to install and repair telephones on the prefects telephone line.  The C.O., Mr.[...], has told me that I must have my brass flags, which I and one other boy won for getting over 80% in the Classification Exam last summer, taken off and replaced by the cloth ones which everyone else has -- for the sake of uniformity!  I feel sore, but he is adamant.

            We used to be an ordinary signals section, but we were inaugurated as a Royal Signals Troop last summer in a grand ceremony, televised on Western t.v.  (I think), in which we all lost our nerve and forgot how to march.  It came out on t.v. as complicated mid-march manoeuvres!  We were the first section to be inaugurated as a Royal Signals Troop.

{Typecasting}[23rd April 1968]

[Redbook1:29][19680423:1630c]{Typecasting}[23rd April 1968][Age 16]

Tuesday 23rd April

            A short hailstorm has just stopped, and all the earnest cricketers have come running inside.  I'm sitting here, ostensibly working, actually pausing for a short rest at my desk in my study -- number 6, on the lower study passage and on the north side of [...] [the] House.

            A thought recently struck me.  When we watch films, we usually see the same people in the star roles again and again.  Must this not lead to a certain tendency to categorise people: so-and-so is always a villain who is misjudged but for whom everything comes right in the end, so all the villans of this type are expected to look like so-and-so.  Quite what this proves I do not know, unless it leads me to sympathise with the unfortunate people who happen to look like Orson Welles -- but they need sympathy anyway!

            I used to write poetry, once, about a year ago.  Actually, most of it was only verse, though some was near to being real poetry, I think.  But after my first poem, which I thought was awful, was accepted, all the others, which I thought were good, were rejected by the editor of the [school magazine].  So I have slightly given up.  But I really ought to copy down what I have written in this book -- it won't survive long on the sheets of paper on which I've written it.  It is all very poor, and perhaps rather childish stuff, but I have sweated blood over it.

            I have had to ["]oil["] -- serve up and clear up lunch -- for 4 days, but today was the last day.  I must go and fill my thermos with hot water from the urn now.

            I looked up some university data today.


Friday 7 September 2012

{Workshy}[22nd April 1968]

[Redbook1:28][19680422:2000]{Workshy}[22nd April 1968][Age 16]

Monday 22nd April

            Today was the first full day of lessons this term.  I now have twelve regular study periods per week, not to speak of possible irregular ones -- I think I shall need every one of them!  As I only have thirty-four periods a week, that means that over one third of my periods are study periods.  But I am not working hard enough.  I spent this afternoon's study period reading H.G.Wells short stories.

            It is funny how one determines to work non-stop, then when one starts one finds that nothing is so enjoyable as the leisure reading which one had found rather boring when one actually did it.  One may settle down to a dry history book.  After about 10 pages one sees oneself reading for pleasure, and one's spirit longs to close the book.  After a time this feeling may become so strong as to interfere with the concentration on, and comprehension of, the book one is reading.  At that stage one has to stop, even if only to change to another work-book.  If only I could discover the secret of concentration on, comprehension and retention of what I read I would be made for 'A' levels!  But it must be only in the mind, and I must NOT get worried about it.

            There are only 9 weeks till the 'A' levels.


Thursday 6 September 2012

{NMHT}[21st April 1968]

[Redbook1:28][19680421]{NMHT}[21st April 1968][Age 16]

Sunday 21st April

            I did quite a bit of work to day, outside in the sun, but not as much as I had hoped to do.


Wednesday 5 September 2012

{School}[20th April 1968]

[Redbook1:27][19680420:1200]{School}[20th April 1968][Age 16]

Saturday 20th April – 12 noon.

            I have been so busy during the last few days that I had no time to make entries in this book.  I am now at school.  On Wednesday night D drove us up from C to London through a rainstorm -- there had been a thunderstorm earlier on, but it had stopped by the time we got to London.  On Thursday I packed, and on Friday afternoon D drove M and I [sic] down to [NB].  The traffic was awful until we left Reading.  They gave me dinner in the [...] Arms, then went to Fossbridge (I think) in the Cotswolds to spend a long weekend away from everyone.

            This morning I unpacked and worked out my timetable.  Mr R, my form-master, was away, so Dr.  D, the Head of the History Department, told us what was happening generally.  Mr T, who teaches us King John (Special Subject) is away also, probably till next Friday.  He left instructions for us to have read our books (mine is "loss of Normandy" by Sir Maurice Powicke – c.350 pages) by the time he comes back.  Work should be easier this term -- I have nine regular study periods a week, not to mention possible irregular ones.

            Now I am back at school and life is slightly less chaotic, I hope to keep this book filled more regularly.  My writing should be better, also.

            I forgot to mention that on Thursday evening D worked out what I should put in my U.C.C.A. forms, etc., (for university places.).


Tuesday 4 September 2012

{The Lake}[16th April 1968]

[Redbook1:26][19680416:2250]{The Lake}[16th April 1968][Age 16]

16th April 1968 – 10.50 p.m.

            Yesterday T[O] and KO came over for the afternoon, and we went up to the lake.  As they didn't want to swim naked, S[T], A, [,,,] and I went up to the other end and swam.  K[O] and S got on O.K., but T seemed rather nervous and preoccupied about something -- possibly 'A' levels, of which she is taking two this summer.  She bit her sunglasses’ arms, and wasn't very talkative.  She is nicer than she was three years ago however.  K said she couldn't swim because of her period, but it may just have been shyness in both of them.  Their parents came for drinks and took them away later, and S[T] finally left late at night leaving us half a hundredweight of potatoes.

            Today I went into [DF] with M in the morning.  In the afternoon we got the Vicar (of [VI], Anglican church) to countersign our shot gun certificate applications and then we handed them in at FH Police station.  EN came over in the afternoon -- she is quite pretty now but rather young for her age -- not an unpleasing trait.  This evening we sent A off to London with some suitcases of ours (by train).  They are dismantling the [...] station at DF -- only the northernmost through line is left.  S wants for her birthday an edition of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" exactly like mine, but I want her to get another edition -- we fell out over that rather.

Monday 3 September 2012

{Easter}[15th April 1968]

[Redbook1:25][19680415:2400]{Easter}[15th April 1968][Age 16]

15th April 1968 – c. 1 min. past midnight
On Easter morning B had about 5 eggs -- the rest of us got about to each.  M and D gave me Colin G. Magg’s “The Midland and South Western Junction Railway”, K gave me a chocolate animal, J gave me a chocolate egg, and N gave me a coloured handkerchief.  We went to Church -- ultra-boring -- then to the Vicar’s eggrolling party.  B won the competition and got another easter egg.  Uncle K and F came to lunch and dinner.  In the afternoon we all practised with my old air-gun.  (S was very promising with it).  B was sick in the night.  My own tum is under great pressure!


Sunday 2 September 2012

{Party}[14th April 1968]

[Redbook1:25][19680414:2400]{Party}[14th April 1968][Age 16]

14th April 1968


            We had a good "party" last night – S[T], A, T[O] and I went for a midnight walk on the rocks and we disturbed a couple in a tent by wishing them a Happy Easter and telling them to please be off by 6.30a.m. (as D had told us to say).  We had danced before that, first in the kitchen and then on the gravel.  Afterwards we had some coffee, and then took T home, then had more coffee in the Os’ house.  Then we came home -- leaving O at her house -- and went to bed at about 3. o’clock.  Owing to the amount of coffee I had drunk I slept very little.


Saturday 1 September 2012

{UnexpectedGuests}[13th April 1968]

[Redbook1:24][19680413:1930]{UnexpectedGuests}[13th April 1968][Age 16]

13th April 1968

7.30 p.m.

            ST, whose family used to live near here and be great friends of ours, turned up unexpectedly today.  He decided (on being pressed) to stay the night.  We invited EN to come to supper (as a result), but she was going to a party and sent TO, who appears to be staying with her, instead.  The gas ran out suddenly and had to be changed about half an hour ago.
