Friday 17 March 2023

{Turning[,] in the Bible}[26th January 1991]

[Redbook8:190][19910126:2330]{Turning[,] in the Bible}[26th January 1991]


It is astonishing to find* (thanks to a lead in the New English Bible) that the word commonly translated in the A[uthorised] V[ersion] as ‘converted’** and in the N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible] as ‘to change their ways’ is actually the Greek (έπι)***στρεφω****, to turn*** (about/upon)****.# In Acts 3:19 N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible] and N[ew] E[nglish] B[ible] actually seem to have inserted (after turn) ‘to God’ where A[uthorised] V[ersion] (per Y[oung’s] C[oncordance]) has nothing in the Greek.

The majority#* of the occurrences cite Is[aiah] 6:10, where the word (similarly translated, eg in N[ew] J[erusalem] B[ible] is ב[shuruk#**]ש (shub) = To turn back (per Y[oung’s] C[oncordance])

*cf M[at]t[hew] 13:15; 18:3 (be (trans[itive]) turned; M[ar]k 4:12; L[u]k[e] 22:32; J[oh]n 12:40; Acts 3:19; 28:27

**(from the Latin ‘con-verto’, (Tr[ansitive), to [sic] (make to) turn completely round or back, translate, to change completely, transform, (Intr[ansitive] to turn round/back, return, change, be transformed)



#(per Y[oung’s] C[oncordance], dictionary)

#*(underlined in ref[erence]s above [ie at fn=*, presumably])

#**Excuse my Hebrew

[& the limitations of the basic Hebrew alphabet available for this ts to be blogged, which appears to exclude vowels including the vowel ‘shuruk’ which appears to be represented in the ms]


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