Wednesday 29 March 2023

{Classical Greek Art [continued (12)]} ([–] Sculpture [continued (9)])[27th January 1991]

[Redbook8:195][19910127:1250l]{Classical Greek Art [continued (12)]} ([] Sculpture [continued (9)])[27th January 1991]



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‘... Callimachus, whose reputation for too finicky attention to detail accords with the final stages of the transparent drapery style at the very end of the 5th century [bce].***

***‘The sculptors of the early 4th century [bce] continued the traditions of the later 5th [century bce], with balanced poses, transparent or heavy drapery, and serene, rather remote expressions....’


*[A sign in the ms indicating that this entry, at the foot of ms p195, follows on from the journal entry before last, at the foot of ms p194]




****– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:]137



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