Wednesday 22 March 2023

{Classical Greek Art [continued (3)] [– 4thCentury bce change]}[27th January 1991]

[Redbook8:192][19910127:1250c]{Classical Greek Art [continued (3)] [– 4thCentury bce change]}[27th January 1991]



‘The 4th century* [bce] saw further political and social change, with the decline of the city state,** the resurgence of Persia,*** and finally the Panhellenic**** vision of Alexander the Great (336-323BCE)’

ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:]132 (immediately following 1st quote above)#


**The City State: c700→c300BCE = c2048G~m~

***(Persian cycles not yet studied)

****Hellenism c359BCE→c0BCE

=c512M~→C (o[uter] c[ircle])

But 2048G~m~→R~s~→C for Greece

#[See last previous entry but one]



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