Friday 24 March 2023

{Classical Greek Art [continued (5)]} ([–] Sculpture [continued] [– Balance])[27th January 1991]

[Redbook8:193][19910127:1250e]{Classical Greek Art [continued (5)]} ([] Sculpture [continued] [– Balance])[27th January 1991]



‘The Omphalos Apollo (a copy of a work of c460-450BC[E],* now in the National Museum, Athens), a study of the way slight asymmetry of pose goes with perfect balance,** has been attributed both to Calamis and to Pythagoras – an example of the problem of attribution, for ancient descriptions are usually too imprecise to link these Roman copies with named originals.


*NB 512C[,]2048G~m~512BCE









[In the ms the sloping lines are downward-pointing arrows]

***– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:]133

[per next journal entry but one]



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