Tuesday 28 March 2023

{Classical Greek Art [continued (8)]} ([–] Sculpture [continued (5)])[27th January 1991]

[Redbook8:194][19910127:1250h]{Classical Greek Art [continued (8)]} ([] Sculpture [continued (5)])[27th January 1991]



*‘Several names are known to us, like those of Strongylion, who followed the tradition of Myron,** and Cresilas (fl[ourished] 450-425BC[E],*** a rather severe sculptor whose portrait of Pericles is typical of the idealising portrait figures now becoming popular.****


*(Same para[graph] as [last previous entry] above, & immediately following)

**[See last previous entry but one]


****(r~?)S~, M~? – assuming

either that idealism in (r~?) Philosophy is not the same as in Art

(cf V. [[Redbook5:171][19880618:1855]{The Metaphysic of Metaphysics}[18th June 1988],] 171);

or that at this stage of Crisis Resolution r~ & S~ are still frequently intertwined

the i[nner] c[ircle] & the o[uter] c[ircle] not separated.

#– ibid [Encylopaedia of Visual Art 1:]133

[per next journal entry]



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