Saturday 4 March 2023

{The Psychology of Dictatorship}[21st January 1991]

[Redbook8:180][19910121:1250/ff?]{The Psychology of Dictatorship}[21st January 1991]


[A cutting in the ms of an article in [The] G[uardian] 19910118:[p]31 headed ‘Saddam, sanity and the age-old traits of the dictator’ & sub-headed: ‘Psychology’ ‘Despite the parallels between Hitler, Stalin and the Iraqui President, psychiatrist Fajenda Persaud believes that, on the evidence available, Saddam cannot be diagnosed as clinically insane’, includes no highlighted text but several passages with C[ircles] A[nalysis] & S[ynthesis] degree-signifiers written in against the text, all being used except G~ & M~, several with question-marks. The article discusses not only possible diagnosis of dictators but also their development.]

Cycle of the dictatorship

Contrast ‘cycle’ of Christ?* – which is predominantly an inner cycle. I guess that the relative prominence of inner/outer circle, which is directly related to relative distance from the Centre, determines the nature of the development, along the spectrum of cycles between that of Christ and that of the Dictator.



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