Monday 20 March 2023

{Classical Greek Art [– Confidence, flamboyance, & introspection]}[27th January 1991]

[Redbook8:192-199][19910127:1250]{Classical Greek Art [– Confidence, flamboyance, & introspection]}[27th January 1991]



‘The severe confidence of High Classical art of the mid century** turned to flamboyance and prettiness as the Peloponnesian War (432/1-405/4[bce])*** became more wearing and demoralizing, turning again to a brooding introspectiveness after Athens’ final defeat by Sparta.’****

E[ncylopaedia of] V[isual] A[rt]1:132

*cf [[Redbook8:44-67][19901027ff]{Comparative Chronology}[27th October 1990],] 58








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