Saturday 4 March 2023

{Crisis Revisited? [continued]}[23rd January 1991]

[Redbook8:182][19910123:1501d]{Crisis Revisited? [continued]}[23rd January 1991]



On ‘Neighbours’ (the Australian soap-opera)* this morning, a beautiful but rather paranoid girl turns out (in a Japanese restaurant) to have a lovely singing voice, singing ‘Speed Bonny Boat’** most beautifully. Now, the beauty of such singing, and of the singer singing, is a strong symbol of r~ and of nearness to C and to the Spirit: a (relatively) pure expression of the divine beauty, the Holiness of the Spirit.

Like all true symbols, it is no dry mark but moves profoundly with its own dynamic independence.


*Oh, the shame!

[See last entry but one, [Redbook8:181)][19910123:1501b]{Relative Gender}[23rd January 1991], 1st paragraph]

[– which continued running until 2022, & was, at the time of writing this note, set to be revived in 2023]

**Another girl-and-water image, with music?

[The Skye Boat Song, relating the historical episode in which the young Flora MacDonald guided Bonnie Prince Charlie ‘over the sea to Skye’ on his way into exile after the defeat of his attempt in 1745 to take the throne of the United Kingdom back for the Stuarts from the Hanoverian dynasty which had displaced them]

***(Interestingly, but perhaps to be expected – on a second hearing this afternoon the effect was reduced, although still apparent)



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