Tuesday 17 August 2021

{UK Political Crisis Point (continued)}[6th August 1990]

[Redbook7:193][19900806:0849c]{UK Political Crisis Point (continued)}[6th August 1990]



*Back to** domestic political shifts: this is the precise C.E.*** circles position, in case it is relevant:


This can be presented as part of the Crisis Resolution phase: it is the sign of i[nner] c[ircle] rotation for which I have been waiting since since 1983 or thereabouts.# Nothing is settled: if I am right, the C.R.#* phase of the 64 [year] cycle lasts from 1984 to 2000ce.

Perhaps the relatively early appearance of of effective i[nner] c[ircle] signs – compared, perhaps, to (for example) my own current C.R. phase in 322 from age 32 (1983) to 40 (1991) – is a comparison of a Democracy with an Individual.#**

*[[Redbook7:192][19900806:0849]{UK Political Crisis Point}[6th August 1990]→]

**[See last previous entry but one*]

***Christian [= Common] Era

****([Having] No sub-script number implies current cycle)

#ref II. [[Redbook2:285-287][19830612:1230]{Circles of History}[12th June 1983], ff] 285-6

#*(Crisis Resolution, of course, not +C†I~, who is C; but the coincidence is happy.)

[The actual initial letter of I~ in the Judao-Christian (rather than Islamic) tradition being R, hence CR]

#**Really, the quarter-cycle leading up to C ought to have a name too: ‘Crisis Approach’ phase?


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