Sunday 22 August 2021

{Crop Circles}}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:196A-197][19900807:0003b]{Crop Circles}}[7th August 1990]



[A newspaper spread* of 3 articles inserted in the ms at p196A, which cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons, is headed overall ‘Ever-increasing circles of bewilderment’ & subheaded ‘This week: are crop rings natural phenomena?’; ‘Evidence of a new topic in physical meteorology’ by Terence Meaden (‘a former professor of physics and is now head of the Circles Effect Research Unit’, who considers there to be ‘an aerodynamical origin for the circles ... topographically related to vortex formation’ giving rise to ‘measurable electrical fields’); & ‘Marks that are left by non-human intelligence’ by George Wingfield (‘a founder member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies and a natural sciences graduate’ ]

‘I don’t believe it’ Department: not possibly Jungian ‘UFOs’ directed by our own collective or shared level of Unconscious? In this case both views in the Independent* could be essentially correct, although Scientists are unlikely to accept for many years the possibility of a ‘supernatural’ intelligence (such as ours) directly controlling natural forces (such as the wind).


*ref Ind[ependent] 900804:13

**cf II: [[Redbook2:259][19821106:2200]{[1]}[6th November 1982]ff to

[Redbook2:265][19821119:2315]{[1]: A Visitation [continued (6)]]}[19th November 1982], & esp presumably

[Redbook2:259-260][19821106:2200e]{[1] Rhythm and Dancing}[6th November 1982],] 259-265?

II: [[Redbook2:288][19830612:1230d]{Peace}[12th June 1983]] 288?

[– which refers presumably not to the titled ms entry there but to the following fn taking up the rest of that page:

‘Sometime about mid-1983, I think, my sister [S] was married. The wedding was the grand culmination of months of quarrelling between her and her fiancĂ©, on the one hand, and my parents on the other; in the end, a few days before the wedding, [W] and I too became targets of [S]’s wrath, which lasted for years afterwards.

‘On the night before the wedding, most of us including [S] sleeping at [C], the father of all thunderstorms came and settled over us, hammering close around us for much of the night with huge lightnings and thunderclaps. I think that poor [S] was a bit shaken by this, at the time; so my mother, I think it was, told me not long afterwards.<900807>]

& a note somewhere on the Great Storm of 19871013(?)? [presumably, [Redbook4:245-246][19871220:0000c]{The Weatherman}[20th December 1987] ]

{See [next journal entry, [Redbook7:197-199][19900807:1255]{Symphonic Circles}[7th August 1990],] 199 [Final sentence(s)]}


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