Monday 30 August 2021

{In the midst of Death....}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:201-202][19900807:2304]{In the midst of Death....}[7th August 1990]


For many years I was uncertain about the ‘power of prayer’: because liturgical prayer, even in formal collective or led Church prayer such as the Intercessions (which I have led myself),* seemed so wooden. But simultaneously I have felt the urge to, as it were, privately and internally redirect** the Love from above through me and out again to someone in danger. In both cases*** of a new-born baby in actual or potential danger of death, where perhaps the Individual’s own psychology and preconceptions were least likely to have any adverse effect, there followed a swift recovery, without obvious explanation. In one case I am sure that others prayed too; in the later case, earlier this year, it is likely that no one did.

The point of this is not so much to prove the healing power of a particular kind of prayer – which I do not doubt, although I don’t expect that it can be codified or rendered predictable – but to put this together with my surmise that it operates independently of our space-time framework, being of and with God, and that therefore the tears and Love which I shed for the Jews murdered at Serniki in 1942*** are not wasted: not, of course, on me, but not necessarily on them either. Their Death lives still; and I do love them.


**cf [[Redbook7:215][19900814:1420]{A little girl lost and found}[14th August 1990],] 215

***ref...? []

****ref Ind[ependent] Sun[day] Rev[iew] 900805:16



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