Saturday 14 August 2021

{Balance, Toughness, and Curiosity for Truth [continued (4)]}[4th August 1990]

[Redbook7:191][19900804:1125i]{Balance, Toughness, and Curiosity for Truth [continued (4)]}[4th August 1990]



Why has the nature of the exploration changed?*

Well, this is part of the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] pattern; but that is not a sufficient answer to the question ‘why’, merely a description.

I have been pulled out of that phase, in accordance with the pattern, not least by the bureaucracy of the Church.** I am, I believe, quite capable of calling*** into my awareness again those symbols which I was until recently exploring – and which gave mental form to the reality of dynamic and more-or-less independent Qualities within**** the Mind – but I am content to follow the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] ‘logic’ of events. I believe that the Qualities still exist, and work together, within my mind; ‘together’ now, because these are after all (I hope and trust) predominantly the inner circles,# the Circles of (Re)Integration, around which I pass.

*[per [Redbook7:189-191][19900804:1125f]{Balance, Toughness, and Curiosity for Truth}[4th August 1990]]

**[See eg [Redbook7:104-114][19900328:1738]{Tested Again}[28th March 1990] &c]

***eg ref [[Redbook7:187][19900804:1125c]{G~}[4th August 1990],] 187 (foot of page)

****Not in a limiting sense, ‘within’, as The Mind encompasses the Universe....

(but this is an unsatisfactory-feeling explanation: not wrong so much as insufficient)



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