Saturday 7 August 2021

{G~}[4th August 1990]

[Redbook7:187][19900804:1125c]{G~}[4th August 1990]



*– Although, as I wrote that,** I was suddenly intensely aware of the quality and human appearance of G~, +K, within my mind and around my body.***

*cf III. [[Redbook3:44-46][19870327:2157d]{Separation}[27th March 1987],] 44-45,

[[Redbook3:22A][19870326:1512]{Extract from [2] ms, 19870104 (p49)}[26th March 1987],] 22A****

**[See last previous entry, final para]

***ie embracing me

cf [[Redbook7:176-177][19900730:1007d]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (6) [continued (3)]}[30th July 1990],] 177

****[This refers to a photocopy inserted in the journal ms at that point, but not included in the ts nor blogged, consisting of one unrevised ms page from [2] on which the relevant text is as follows:

... [under the] mounting blue haze a train from London snaked its way up the King's Cross line and into the city. On the southern footpath from the Chilterns, along the edge of the hill, I could see a figure walking towards me. Nearer than I had thought, being little more than child size, a slim figure with startlingly blonde, straight hair, cut short, and blue eyes: a young girl whom I felt sure I recognised. She sat down beside me on the edge of the Gog Magog hills: “[xS] is here.”’

I looked at her for a long time; and for a long time she gazed over Cambridge.


She turned, and smiled, and I knew that it was her, although three or four years older. "I am becoming serious! Ask."

"Ask what?"

"Whatever you wish."’

& a marginal note near the foot of the page: ‘Rung by [Mrs B, the owner] in reply to our letter re [CH, the house which the writer & his wife shortly thereafter bought, & lived in from 1987 to 1992]’ see [Redbook3:146-147][19870408:1218f](Dream of [xS]: Significance)[8th April 1987]



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