Monday 16 August 2021

{(Colour Perception in Human Ageing}[6th August 1990]

[Redbook7:192][19900806:0849b]{(Colour Perception in Human Ageing}[6th August 1990]



(According to Neal Ascherson,* writing on the opposite page,** ‘A child’s eye sees blue within a clarity and range which the older eye has lost.’; but... ‘Older people gradually percive the world more in yellows as the eye’s constant regeneration slows up.*** Rembrandt, like any other painter with a long work-span, shows this process in his portraits, and there is something to the cliché about seeing life “through a golden haze”. When I was a child, I perceived intensely what was non-human: sea, sky, blued steel, uniforms, machines. Today, I am more aware of skin colours, mangolds, bracken, human hair.’)


*[Journalist & writer]

**[See last previous entry.]



**** Ind[ependent] 900805:21 ‘A Child’s eye on the wide blue yonder of a wartime summer’

[Unsure whether this is completely correct]


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