Sunday 22 August 2021

{Symphonic Circles}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:197-199][19900807:1255]{Symphonic Circles}[7th August 1990]


Not another* [press] cutting!** Well, I guess music will be the last major field needing to be at least glanced at (I would go deeper at once, but time presses – I hope to do more later),*** for R~ in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis].

I am struck by the second paragraph of the article, describing the various interpretations of the description ‘symphony’ in terms which, as the paragraph develops, sound more and more like a description of the nature and problems of the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] Circle.**** As Musicians are at R~, and Harmony at S~, ie next to the unified beginning and end of the Circles at C, this perhaps should not surprise.

In para 4, the ‘call to order’ and ‘final dismissal’# sound hopeful, and Mozart’s possible reversal of this in the ‘Jupiter’ symphony is intriguing.

*Ref [this entry] p198A (where the cutting referred to is inserted)

**Ref Ind[ependent] 900807:31 [‘Movements for Survival’ ‘In the light of the coming week’s Proms, Bryan Northcott surveys the changing nature and lasting power of the symphony’ (Press cutting inserted in the ms at p199A cannot be reproduced in the ts or the blog for copyright reasons)]

***{(ie the booklet)}

****[sic – not Circles]

#(weightiest music first v. getting lighter later)



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