Tuesday 3 August 2021

{Scaling}[1st August 1990]

[Redbook7:184][19900801:2137c]{Scaling}[1st August 1990]



On scaling* – of what length of period is an event or process (primarily) part? – one easy clue may be provided by the period of event or process itself in relation to its apparent degree characteristics (But the identification of its degree, of course, is not always easy – due to contra-rotational,** diametric,*** and even circumferential**** resonances).

For example, a ‘G~’-type period lasting a little less than a decade seems likely to be the ‘G~’ of a 64-year cycle – and its actual dates, if we accept precise period doubling from C[ommon] E[ra] Year ‘0’, may confirm or refute that (or vice-versa – such systems are built up in blocs, not blocks.

On the other hand, an ‘M~’#[-]type period of a little over half a century is more likely to be the ‘M~’ of a 512 year cycle, and an ‘A~’ of about 500 years seems suited to be ‘A~’ of a 4,000#* year period.

These intervals are not chosen at random: a multiple of 8 seems plausibly likely to provide key periods within the general period-doubling sequence, from a kind of mathematical superstition.

*[[Redbook2:245][19820813:1945e]{Gearing, Transformation, Interaction, Contra-rotation, [Resonance, and Scale]}[13th August 1982]; [Redbook7:10-11][19900105:1655]{Scale and Scaling}[5th January 1990]]

**[[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800i]{Circle Relationships [continued(7)] – Contra-rotation (1)}[20th August 1987]]

***[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800m]{Circle Relationships [continued(11)] – Diametrical Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

****[[Redbook4:63][19870820:1800n]{Circle Relationships [continued(12)] – Circumferential Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

#I keep substituting ‘A~’ for M~’

[This was a recurring problem in the ms, due probably to the importance of Action as the inner and outer qualities of M~; and also perhaps to the fictional names of +M (at M~) & +Mk (at A~) having the same initial letters.]

#*[ie 4096 years]


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