Sunday 1 August 2021

{Freedom within the Church}[1st August 1990]

[Redbook7:182 & 183][19900801:2137]{Freedom within the Church}[1st August 1990]


I have been overdoing[press-]cuttings recently;* but I include this one** because it seems to me to sum up the strength (and weakness) of the Anglican Church so admirably: and to identify that tradition of intellectual freedom, even waywardness, the apparent lack of which so dejected*** me in the Church in Wales’ selection procedures.

*[ie presumably, in this Journal – see several recent entries]

**[A long article from The Independent marked ‘900801’ (at p19) copied in the ms on p183, which cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons, is headed: ‘An established morality’ and sub-headed: ‘Because the Church of England embodies more than faith in God, the new Archbishop of Canterbury still retains a role in a secular age, argues Keith Ward’.]

***(?)[Possibly a quaere as to whether it is possible to use ‘dejected’ in this way]


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