Monday 30 August 2021

{In the midst of Death.... [continued]}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:202][19900807:2304b]{In the midst of Death.... [continued]}[7th August 1990]



‘The villagers say there was a rabbi with the Jews and that now he told them that death came eventually to everyone, so “today is as good a day as any to die”.’*

We can never know for certain this side of Death whether our thoughts and Love and tears can travel back in Time and comfort the dying who are now dead; but the identification is so strong that the impulse to do this is not to be denied.

*Ibid [Ind[ependent] Sun[day] Rev[iew] 900805] 17

(cf [2] ([original perfect-bound ts] p279) (Ult[imate]) Ch 3**-Z, para a[nte]-p[en]-u[ltimate], l[ine] 4*** which is thus vindicated, thank God)#

**[3 refers to the original numbering of [2] in the series; 3-Z is printed at the foot of each page of Ch Z (the final chapter, coming after Chapter 16) in that ts]

***[of that page in that ts; & also in # below]

****[‘.... Death comes for us all, sooner or later: ....’]#

#[‘She looked up at me, very seriously, through her tears:“It's not just them.” she told me

“– the ones I lost, and all the many others.

It is not just their deaths:

Death comes for us all, sooner or later:

some are better, if it is sooner, others are worse;

and their Spirits are all at rest now,

although I miss them grievously.

I weep, not just for them,

but for the way it was done,

as we all must weep;

and therefore I, Rachel, weep

for the guards who killed my people: the Separators,

who are all gone,

and who became creatures of the Separation,

so much, that they were Spirits clothed in darkness,

so much, that unless they find us again,

and through us find Love again,

and through Love turn again to the Spirit,

they will go down wholly,

and go out altogether,

and the Spirit alone will return to God;

and they were all little children, once:

therefore I, Rachel, weep,

for the guards who killed my people,

the Separated.”’]


{In the midst of Death....}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:201-202][19900807:2304]{In the midst of Death....}[7th August 1990]


For many years I was uncertain about the ‘power of prayer’: because liturgical prayer, even in formal collective or led Church prayer such as the Intercessions (which I have led myself),* seemed so wooden. But simultaneously I have felt the urge to, as it were, privately and internally redirect** the Love from above through me and out again to someone in danger. In both cases*** of a new-born baby in actual or potential danger of death, where perhaps the Individual’s own psychology and preconceptions were least likely to have any adverse effect, there followed a swift recovery, without obvious explanation. In one case I am sure that others prayed too; in the later case, earlier this year, it is likely that no one did.

The point of this is not so much to prove the healing power of a particular kind of prayer – which I do not doubt, although I don’t expect that it can be codified or rendered predictable – but to put this together with my surmise that it operates independently of our space-time framework, being of and with God, and that therefore the tears and Love which I shed for the Jews murdered at Serniki in 1942*** are not wasted: not, of course, on me, but not necessarily on them either. Their Death lives still; and I do love them.


**cf [[Redbook7:215][19900814:1420]{A little girl lost and found}[14th August 1990],] 215

***ref...? []

****ref Ind[ependent] Sun[day] Rev[iew] 900805:16



Sunday 22 August 2021

{Suspension of Disbelief [continued]}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:200][19900807:2227]{Suspension of Disbelief [continued]}[7th August 1990]


In the end, of course, all this is still open to the claim that I am simply complicating the basic life cycle of Birth – Growth – Maturity – Decay – Death.


{Suspension of Disbelief}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:200][19900807:1957]{Suspension of Disbelief}[7th August 1990]


‘The physicist and historian of science Gerald Holton … talked* about the scientist’s need to suspend the usual standards of scientific proof: when you’re working on the frontiers of knowledge, you often have to go through a period of suspension of belief in evidence to the contrary. Uncertain equipment, inadequately controlled conditions, any number of things can invalidate your data, and the scientist needs thematic assumptions – a point to aim for.’**

Ah, so that’s how it’s done.

*(on [BBC] Radio 3, ‘Other Minds’, Friday (19900806))

**Ind[ependent] 19900807:11



{The Transformation Point}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:200][19900807:1255d]{The Transformation Point}[7th August 1990]



Is the Transformation Point* still appropriate in [the] Crisis Approach (and Inner Crisis Resolution?) sector[s]?

Well, it only marks a stage in the total process, but whatever happens at Crisis – whichever way the decision goes – it represents the necessity of decision, the parting of ways. The changes which bring that about may be specifically identified (I surmise) during the Crisis Approach sector, centred** (on the O[uter] C[ircle]) on the Transformation Point, R~***

*[See last previous entry, esp fn=***]

**{(? – Not exactly, if the Crisis Approach Sector is G~-R~-C, by resonance with Crisis Resolution Phase)}


***[See last previous entry, fn=**. The journal entries referred to there, taken together, imply that the individual/institutional Transformation Point is around R~-C~r~, and may even be a personal/individual/institutional point rather than a fixed Circle/Cycle degree.]


{Symphonic Circles [continued (3)]}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:199][19900807:1255c]{Symphonic Circles [continued (3)]}[7th August 1990]



Extrapolating, magnificently: if the Christian** era is coming to an end – which does not imply that the significance of Christ will be reduced, far from it – the final stages of that cycle may be represented as follows:

If I decide that the symphony can be analysed in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] terms as clearly seems likely, I should be tempted to see it as a phase, in the Crisis Approach sector** (around the Transformation Point),*** in the emergence or re-emergence of the Circle Archetype to prominence in Western culture.

It has never, of course, been wholly submerged (cf haloes, the Celtic Cross). Jung would be a part of this re-emergence; so, I suppose[,] might flying saucers and even crop Circles.****

*[from last previous entry]

**[Ref [Redbook7:193][19900806:0849c]{UK Political Crisis Point (continued)}[6th August 1990]]

***[See eg [Redbook3:140-141][19870407:0940f](CHI-RHO)[7th April 1987];

[Redbook4:62][19870820:1800j]{Circle Relationships [continued(8)] – Transformation}[20th August 1987];

[Redbook4:156][19871119:2312g]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (3)] – The Transformation Point}[19th November 1987];

[Redbook4:161][19871121:0051]{Star Cycles (II) – [continued (3)] The Transformation Point (II)*}[21st November 1987];

[Redbook4:166-167][19871121:1310g]{Star Cycles (III) [continued (8)]{(Footnote:) The Transformation Point [III]}[21st November 1987];

[Redbook4:178][19871125:1630d]{Contra-rotation (3)}[25th November 1987]; [Redbook5:45][19880312:1326b]{Trinity Tarot Circles}[12th March 1988];

but/& see eg

[Redbook4:209-210][19871210:2315h]{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins [continued (7)] – (3) The Knowledge of God and Evil [continued(2)]}[10th December 1987] para 4;

[Redbook4:242-243][19871219:1055i]{The Mantelpiece (1) [continued]}[19th December 1987];

[Redbook4:310][19880112:1805c]{Question-and-Answer method: Gender Orientation* [continued (3)]}[12th January 1988];

[Redbook4:322][19880113:1107e]{Six Tarots}[13th January 1988]; [Redbook4:57][19870817:1950c]{Points from Annotation [continued(3)][: (3) Circle relationships}[17th August 1987];

& esp [Redbook5:160-161][19880615:1642f]{Mysticism and Science}[15th June 1988]]

****{ref [[Redbook7:196A-197][19900807:0003b]{Crop Circles}}[7th August 1990],]} 196A}


{Symphonic Circles [continued]}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:199][19900807:1255b]{Symphonic Circles [continued]}[7th August 1990]



I’ve barely begun to think of precise historic cycles in the visual arts (notably painting);* I haven’t even begun for music. So the reference[s] to ‘avant-garde phases such as the anti-Romantic 1920’s** or the 1950’s*** of Boulez and Stockhausen’**** are definitely interesting.

*ref [] above





****(ref 198A [– see last previous entry, fn=**])



{Symphonic Circles}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:197-199][19900807:1255]{Symphonic Circles}[7th August 1990]


Not another* [press] cutting!** Well, I guess music will be the last major field needing to be at least glanced at (I would go deeper at once, but time presses – I hope to do more later),*** for R~ in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis].

I am struck by the second paragraph of the article, describing the various interpretations of the description ‘symphony’ in terms which, as the paragraph develops, sound more and more like a description of the nature and problems of the C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] Circle.**** As Musicians are at R~, and Harmony at S~, ie next to the unified beginning and end of the Circles at C, this perhaps should not surprise.

In para 4, the ‘call to order’ and ‘final dismissal’# sound hopeful, and Mozart’s possible reversal of this in the ‘Jupiter’ symphony is intriguing.

*Ref [this entry] p198A (where the cutting referred to is inserted)

**Ref Ind[ependent] 900807:31 [‘Movements for Survival’ ‘In the light of the coming week’s Proms, Bryan Northcott surveys the changing nature and lasting power of the symphony’ (Press cutting inserted in the ms at p199A cannot be reproduced in the ts or the blog for copyright reasons)]

***{(ie the booklet)}

****[sic – not Circles]

#(weightiest music first v. getting lighter later)



{Crop Circles}}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:196A-197][19900807:0003b]{Crop Circles}}[7th August 1990]



[A newspaper spread* of 3 articles inserted in the ms at p196A, which cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons, is headed overall ‘Ever-increasing circles of bewilderment’ & subheaded ‘This week: are crop rings natural phenomena?’; ‘Evidence of a new topic in physical meteorology’ by Terence Meaden (‘a former professor of physics and is now head of the Circles Effect Research Unit’, who considers there to be ‘an aerodynamical origin for the circles ... topographically related to vortex formation’ giving rise to ‘measurable electrical fields’); & ‘Marks that are left by non-human intelligence’ by George Wingfield (‘a founder member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies and a natural sciences graduate’ ]

‘I don’t believe it’ Department: not possibly Jungian ‘UFOs’ directed by our own collective or shared level of Unconscious? In this case both views in the Independent* could be essentially correct, although Scientists are unlikely to accept for many years the possibility of a ‘supernatural’ intelligence (such as ours) directly controlling natural forces (such as the wind).


*ref Ind[ependent] 900804:13

**cf II: [[Redbook2:259][19821106:2200]{[1]}[6th November 1982]ff to

[Redbook2:265][19821119:2315]{[1]: A Visitation [continued (6)]]}[19th November 1982], & esp presumably

[Redbook2:259-260][19821106:2200e]{[1] Rhythm and Dancing}[6th November 1982],] 259-265?

II: [[Redbook2:288][19830612:1230d]{Peace}[12th June 1983]] 288?

[– which refers presumably not to the titled ms entry there but to the following fn taking up the rest of that page:

‘Sometime about mid-1983, I think, my sister [S] was married. The wedding was the grand culmination of months of quarrelling between her and her fiancé, on the one hand, and my parents on the other; in the end, a few days before the wedding, [W] and I too became targets of [S]’s wrath, which lasted for years afterwards.

‘On the night before the wedding, most of us including [S] sleeping at [C], the father of all thunderstorms came and settled over us, hammering close around us for much of the night with huge lightnings and thunderclaps. I think that poor [S] was a bit shaken by this, at the time; so my mother, I think it was, told me not long afterwards.<900807>]

& a note somewhere on the Great Storm of 19871013(?)? [presumably, [Redbook4:245-246][19871220:0000c]{The Weatherman}[20th December 1987] ]

{See [next journal entry, [Redbook7:197-199][19900807:1255]{Symphonic Circles}[7th August 1990],] 199 [Final sentence(s)]}


{In Nomine....}[7th August 1990]

[Redbook7:195][19900807:0003]{In Nomine....}[7th August 1990]


I know that this sort of thing does me no good at all, but sometimes I can’t resist my little bit of fun even if I probably have had it already:*

*ref Vol...? []


Saturday 21 August 2021

{Democratic Individuals [continued (4)]}[6th August 1990]

[Redbook7:195][19900806:0849g]{Democratic Individuals [continued (4)]}[6th August 1990]



It is also worth remembering that absolute monarchy is by no means the original primitive phase of human organisation, historically: many such monarchies replaced more democratic or consensual societies for a particular people or nation.


Thursday 19 August 2021

{Democratic Individuals [continued (3)]}[6th August 1990]

[Redbook7:194-195][19900806:0849f]{Democratic Individuals [continued (3)]}[6th August 1990]



What I think I am driving at* is that if we regard the pluralistic G~ type democracy as an essential phase on the road from the monarchy-dictatorship M~ to the ideal, even Utopia, of integrated harmony at s~ tending towards C; then it is quite reasonable to regard the Individual[’]s cycles[s] from M~ through G~ (and hopefully g~) as the essential and only route to personal integration and harmony s~→C, as C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] indicates.

(I am not suggesting for one moment that any Society known to us, even in the West, has actually achieved the I[nner] C[ircle] degree g~ in any significant sense: but I certainly believe it to be possible.)

If we in the West believe in the expression of Individuals within the democratic Nation State (for example), we should also allow for the expression of Archetypes or Degrees within the Individual.

*[in the last previous entry but one]

