Thursday 31 December 2020

{3 Dreams: of Railway Stations}[18th February 1990]

[Redbook7:59-63][19900218:2257]{3 Dreams: of Railway Stations}[18th February 1990]


Dreamt this morning about (inter alia) missing (or having missed) the bus back to London; taking a bus instead to a country town’s railway junction station (Chivening? Chevenham?); finding there a complicated layout of (covered) lines and platforms, from which a train back to London seemed to be indicated; wandering briefly with someone else away from these platforms to the high-speed avoiding lines on the left (which were at a lower level), and along them a little way, but (leaving him to continue?) myself returning through the subway and back to the platforms; (either before or after that excursion) seeing a preserved steam train emerge from an underground line and platform to move off, apparently to the right; finally, I think, finding on a timetable a train (or bus) which would deliver me to some point in the suburbs of London, which might or might not be sufficient.


*ref II. [[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830]{A Dream: The Right Lines}[2nd July1984],] 341


V. [[Redbook5:182-183][19880620:0000b[?]]{Dream: of a Re-opened Railway}[20th June 1988],] 182




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