Tuesday 22 December 2020

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (2) [continued]}[14th February 1990]

[Redbook7:43-44][19900214:1100b]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (2) [continued]}[14th February 1990]



The idea for the flat* first surfaced, I think, in 1980, and got under way at the end of 1981 / beginning of (and during) 1982: it was therefore (if my memory is correct) well placed to spin me on round the circle. It was a very narrow decision, to buy or not to buy; at one time I decided not to. My motives for buying were mixed.**

The first 4-year cycle may be about the flat.

I could probably have pulled out with relatively little financial loss until the business got under way in 1983.

This also, as it happens, covers the main period of activity of our little computing business: started Dec[ember 19]82 / Jan[uary 19]83; 1st client c May 1983; decision to ‘wind down’ c1985? (ref Vol II entry);*** by c.start of 1987, only one client left with us.

*[See last previous entry]

**[& included the fact that without the money from the sale of the basement to the writer, his father could not have afforded to buy the freehold of his long-leasehold house, and had no other way to raise the money as the bank would not lend him any more and an unconverted basement was not marketable; and the writer’s mother’s fears of being physically attacked by the writer’s father, as had already happened: he had broken her nose with a karate chop, resulting in hospital treatment.]

***ref II …. [cf eg [Redbook2:337-338][19840630:1315]{Plans}[30th June 1984];

[Redbook2:361-363][19850531:1038f]{A Dream: The Mouth of Hell [continued(4)]}[31st May 1985]]



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