Sunday 20 December 2020

{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (2)}[14th February 1990]

[Redbook7:43-44][19900214:1100]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (2)}[14th February 1990]


*If individual lives work on fairly precise mathematical intervals – bearing in mind the effects of ‘spread’ and ‘lag’ – and my ‘Mid(-outward-)life crisis’ was at 32, what sort of cycle covers the period since then?


Well, I have said that in terms of the 32-year cycle the period represents the ‘resolution’ phase of the crisis at 32, in 1983 (when I left my job and had intended to become much more of a ‘free spirit’, writing, publishing, etc but got sucked instead into the demands of the computing business – and the flat).*** I had also thought of a ‘lag’ from the previous 32-year cycle following until now (or recently), and this may be correct; but a better way of seeing it is as an 8-year cycle covering the first quarter of the subsequent 32-year cycle, and concerned with its resolution.

*[[Redbook7:22-30][19900129:0118]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1)}[29th January 1990], at [Redbook7:29-30][19900129:0118m]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1) [continued (13)]}[29th January 1990],] 30 →

**ref [[Redbook7:22-30][19900129:0118]{Crisis Resolution in Personal Cycles (1)}[29th January 1990],] 22ff

***[See many previous entries, IIIff]



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