Friday 4 December 2020

{Time and Fatigue [continued (5)]}[2nd February 1990]

[Redbook7:35][19900202:1500b]{Time and Fatigue [continued (5)]}[2nd February 1990]



And* yet I can’t help feeling that had I not married, not had children, I should be even more cut off from the actual World than I am. Things are not quite so stressful in terms of interruptions etc. when I have only one at home (whichever one that is) but | →

**(I’ve lost this)(No...)

→ even then I only get 2 to 3 hours or so of my own, perhaps another hour if there are no Welsh classes – but when [W] and I are here, when I should in theory be able to concentrate, she gets understandably upset and aggrieved if after a day at the office she is left to cope with the children on her own without an hour or so’s welcome-home chat, family supper, help putting the children to bed....***

*[See last previous entry]

**This was another interruption – [s] soaked for the second time in 20 minutes because [d] had, contrary to instructions, opened the fence and let [s] down to the stream. Now they want the TV on....

***[I should think so!]



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