Sunday 13 December 2020

{Art and Materialism [continued]}[7th February 1990]

[Redbook7:39-40][19900207:1109b]{Art and Materialism [continued]}[7th February 1990]



As sometimes happens, the problem* has been at least partly resolved by the way I wrote it: unexpectedly using the term ‘hung up’ [above],* which had not come to mind when I thought about the problem beforehand.

Materialistic art is static: hence materialism is more likely at J~, in painting, sculpture etc. (and even more so in arty crafts such as furniture, particularly among collectors); less likely at G~ (literature etc); less [still] at R~ (music etc).

O[uter] C[ircle] dynamic art brings about fragmentation, revolution, simplification, moving away from materialism; I[nner] C[ircle] dynamic art, which is permeated by the light of the Spirit within, moves towards and through the diversity of the physical universe (A~) (ie being in but not of the material world, a condition characteristic of the Inner Circle), from which in particular the plastic arts obtain their physical material, in order to rise beyond it (through m~): in exactly the same way as anyone on the I[nner] C[ircle] should.

*[See last previous entry]



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