Sunday 12 November 2017

{The Id}[14th January 1988]

[Redbook5:3-4][19880114:1710b]{The Id}[14th January 1988]


If the Ego is identified with the Self, then upon denial or reduction of the power of the Self one would expect (or might expect) contents of the Id to come spilling out, which had been previously suppressed by the Ego. (This comes to mind after seeing the film 'Forbidden Planet' some weeks ago,* a little light reading [sic], and having an item from my 'Id', if that is what it is, pop up unexpectedly, embarrassingly and hurtfully in conversation with an old friend and relation).

When I was approaching Crisis, in 1986 and 1987 (as I now believe), not only was I troubled about recent difficulties,*** but resentments and embarrassments about matters long past began to surface as well – as I think I recorded nearer the time,**** at least in the case of the resentments.

*?! [– inserted just above the 'id' of 'identified'.]

**ref. IV.[[Redbook4:251][19871221:0000g]{The Tarot Pack [continued]}[21st December 1987]]

***[e.g. [Redbook3:15-16][19860907:0612j]{A Dream: [(6)] of Madness}[7th September 1986];
[Redbook3:44-46][19870327:2157d]{Separation}[27th March 1987] ]

****ref. III.[e.g. [Redbook3:94][19870404:1005](A RELAPSE)[4th April 1987];
[Redbook3:62-63][19870329:1210l]{Easing the Burden}[29th March 1987].]



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