Sunday 26 November 2017

{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds [continued (5)]}[12th February 1988]

[Redbook5:13][19880212:1155e]{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds [continued (5)]}[12th February 1988]


I had thought that this* might clash with earlier ideas on Generalisation v. Specialisation.** However, I don't think it does(!).*** That polarity was Generalisation at +C†I~ and specialisation at A~: this polarity at its extremes is Multiple Personality at R~ and Single[-]mindedness at U~.****

I guess that in this context, R~’s Multiple Personality can be seen as a {“}lean{”} one way from +C†I~'s Generalisation, of which S~'s Harmony (Inner Circle) (and I suppose Ordination on the Outer Circle) can be seen as a “lean” the other way: in 'mystic tarot' terms, the #point at which the different aspects of the Individual (three, in TXX) are all fully developed and learn to live #* in harmony as one (TXXI). J~ (Outer Fragmentation, Inner Creation) is the 'opposite' of these states.#**

*[See last 4 entries, from [Redbook5:9-16][19880212:1155]{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds}[12th February 1988].]

**ref IV.[[Redbook4:124][19871014:2155b]{Generalisation and Specialisation}[14th October 1987],]124

***(I started off seeing xS as single-minded: R~'s multiplicity altered that view; and see below [2nd para. above].)

****{But see [[Redbook5:15][19880212:1155h]{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds [continued (#)]}[12th February 1988] &f,] 15.}

#Inner Circle

#*{or [are] living}

#**i.e. [the state(s) at] at S~ <891006>



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