Thursday 16 November 2017

[Extract from Letter to [XQ] (1)][26th January 1988]

[Redbook5:5A][19880126:0000][Extract from Letter to [XQ] (1)][26th January 1988]

Tuesday 26th January 1988

'Although it sounds rather arch to credit some fictional characters with a degree of independence of mind from their writer, it is psychologically true: I don't always understand them, let alone agree with them. But I do sometimes find them interesting....'*

*[A photocopy of a letter to Canon [XQ] inserted in the ms here, which accompanied extracts from [2] (xS's 2 meetings), includes the words above.]

[& see [Redbook5:23A][19880301:0000][Extract from Letter to [XQ] (2)][1st March 1988].]


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