Wednesday 31 August 2016

{The [O]}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:59][19870820:1800b]{The [O]}[20th August 1987]


(2) 'The [O] as the Soul of the Universe'* – this may have something to do with the vision from The Magic Mountain** (or rather, its explication immediately following)***. I like the sound of this but I'm not sure what it means, or that I can take its implications. The [O] has always puzzled me in 'fiction' and 'reality' (yes, I have seen it – with the Inner Sense, but not only while writing or thinking about writing****). I am not sure that the Universe has a Soul in the same sense as a Man has a Soul – but it has a Purpose, linked I should guess to the Spirit, and perhaps the [O] is in some way an embodiment of this Purpose. I am not sure.#

*[[Redbook2:224-225][19820220:1700a]{The Soul of the Universe}[20th February 1982]]
[See [Redbook4:57][19870817:1950b]{Points from Annotation [continued][: (2) The Soul of the Universe]}[17th August 1987] ]

**[([Redbook2:249-251][19821009:2330e]{A Dream of Mann}[9th October 1982], &)
[Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330]{The Magic Mountain}[10th October 1982]ff.]

***[In Thomas Mann, 'The Magic Mountain', trans. H.T Lowe-Porter; London: Penguin, 1960, p495., presumably, not in the journal entry referred to above; see [Redbook2:252-256][19821010:1330e]{The Magic Mountain [continued(5)]}[10th October 1982]]

****cf.II. ?
[[Redbook2:301][19830826:0045b]{A Dream of Missed Directions: Three Chapels and the White Hotel [continued]}[26th August 1983]]
[& see also [Redbook2:335][19840515:1715c]{A Dream of the [O]}[15th May 1984]]

#{See V.}


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