Thursday 18 August 2016

{A Dream: Of a Fear of Flying}[4th August 1987]

[Redbook4:51][19870804:1320]{A Dream: Of a Fear of Flying}[4th August 1987]


'But Michael, you know I can't fly!'


These words, heard in a dream, came from a boy off-scene whom we went to see: through, and in, a school dormitory/hospital ward. The remark gave rise to considerable, but gentle, merriment among the (I think) all-male older youths walking between the younger boys in their beds – i.e. the scene is drawn from memories of a [boys’] boarding school evening, when the older boys are supervising the younger ones going to bed. (This is unsurprising: we recently entertained my [secondary] school housemaster, [BD], and his wife [T] to lunch.) *

But there are interesting characteristics of this vehicle**: I am as certain as may be about the name 'Michael' because I thought at first it had something to do with Peter Pan (when Wendy and her brothers are taught to fly). The small boy who said this, sitting up perplexed in bed, reminded me then or later of a small boy in [my secondary school House] called […]: I derive from this the connection […] = Rodent = Rat = [NaRat-tor]***; the small boy, despite my viewpoint in the dream, is me.

*[But this is probably more likely to be a memory of the previous boarding school. <20160817>]

**[i.e. the dream, presumably.]

***(from the longer fictions) <930420>



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