Tuesday 23 August 2016

{Revelation [continued]}[6th August 1987]

[Redbook4:54-55][19870806:2115c;2310c]{Revelation [continued]}[6th August 1987]


An image in a dream recorded* some time ago comes to mind**: the Individual in a high place, – a cliff ledge, or even a Cross – teaching a crowd, but at the same time learning from a presence similarly but more highly placed beside him (on his right, if I recall correctly)***.

This is where the fiction become so vital: where I am beginning to learn to let these Archetypes speak for themselves, without (so far as possible) interfering, or censoring them.****

*III.[[Redbook3:6][19860504:0141b]{A Dream: Teaching and Learning}[4th May 1986] ,]6.

**[See last previous entry.]

***{Yes.} [But the Cross does not feature in the original entry, although the image here may arise from the description “arms outstretched, in a teaching position” in the original entry. <17072016>]

****... Since when, I have written no more of this fiction. <930425>.
[This changed later. <20160717>]


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