Friday 2 September 2016

{Circle Relationships}[20th August 1987]

[Redbook4:60-65][19870820:1800c]{Circle Relationships}[20th August 1987]


(3) This seems to be a good place for a summary of the operation of the Circles, as understood so far.* (The exercise of collating and cross-referencing notes etc. in these Journals and tabling** the results is still producing results, but there is more studying of it to be done. I had to abandon the referral of notes*** before I had listed those file notes which do not relate to Net fictions actually written to date: there was a danger of obscuring the whole thing, and anyway when a Man's gotta stop, a Man's gotta stop.)

*[See [Redbook4:57][19870817:1950c]{Points from Annotation [continued][: (3) Circle relationships}[17th August 1987].]
Ref 240,245 [Unclear which volume this refers to as this volume does not seem relevant at that page; possibly the reference is to Vol II e.g. [Redbook2:241-242][19820813:1945a]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]: Circles}[13th August 1982] & more appropriately [Redbook2:245][19820813:1945e]{Gearing, Transformation, Interaction, Contra-rotation, [and Resonance]}[13th August 1982].]

**[It is not clear to what this refers – possibly to the tables of contents written in the back of each ms Volume, which clearly were prepared at some time after the completion of each Volume. <20160727>.]

***I later(?) inserted into the Journals my [loose] notes on Circles etc. <880307> [Inserted material is identified in the typescript headings by a capital letter after the page number, e.g. Redbook4:60A would refer to the first-numbered inserted sheet on this page, if there was one.]



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