Monday 4 July 2016

{World Circles: ((1) Inner Horizontal and Outer Horizontal)}[8th July 1987]

[Redbook4:20-26][19870708:1245]{World Circles: ((1) Inner Horizontal and Outer Horizontal)}[8th July 1987]


The orientation (vertical and horizontal) of the Circles in relation to the observer has always been ambiguous – to me, at least: on the horizontal plane, I have switched happily from one to another and speculated that this is legitimate in reality. Originally +K represented the (mysterious) East* and +M the (straightforward!) West** – as on the Fireplace in the Library at [the] Castle […] in [0] (but note that here the placing of the Eagle and Human Face represent an early stage of development).***

Gradually this switched in the context of the current outside World so that I tend to draw +K on the West (Revolutionary change on the Western USA, Western Europe etc.) and +M in the East (Tradition and Authority in the Eastern USA, Eastern Europe etc.) – as expressed in the geography of the […]land itself. I think that this is probably a valid distinction between Inner and Outer Circles, or possibly between past and present orientations in the World at large.

*i.e. the source for us[,] in the past[,] of most religious revelation..

**the source of mental 'action', Science etc. – at least until recently.

***{cf. II.[?No obvious relevance, so probably [Redbook3:217-222][19870502:1025](EVOLUTION OF PATTERNS OF SYMBOLS)([&] DIAGONAL PERSONALITIES) [2nd May 1987,]219.}



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