Friday 15 July 2016

{Angelic Names}[9th July 1987]

[Redbook4:27][19870709:1308b]{Angelic Names}[9th July 1987]


I am *using the Angelic names from Enoch and Islam as points of reference precisely because they have meaning within the metaphysical aspect of the Circles (although an uncertain meaning, which is what is required, consisting mostly of resonances which can be taken or left) while having no meaning for any physical and wider scientific** aspects of the Circles or anything else (so far as I know). This is not the case, for example, with compass points.

Their names in my fiction are too personal and would raise other questions: I wish to reserve these for the fiction, so that I can experiment (mentally) with the Angelic names before affecting the fiction.***


*[now (– see **** below.) <20160612>]

**[i.e. presumably, potentially falsifiable data such as (maybe) the apparent statistical correlations of birthdates with occupations and/or personality types, as to which see previous Volumes.]

***{& vice-versa?}

****(There is a similar note, in ?Vol III [[Redbook3:99-100][19870404:1005i](Names of Qualities)[4th April 1987] ].) <930420>


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