Wednesday 27 July 2016

{Politicians[' birth-dates]}[12th July 1987]

[Redbook4:36][19870712:1000b]{Politicians[' birth-dates]}[12th July 1987]


But* perhaps I am coming towards the time when I should stop searching for these ancient confirmations* (but let them still come!) and concentrate more on contemporary patterns, and particularly on the sixteen Principles. In The Times this week Henry Stanhope (I think it was)** remarked casually on the apparently disproportionate number of Aries among leading M.Ps. Aries falls between Revelation/Revolution and Creation/Fragmentation; xP (J~?), on the second, is in many ways the archetypal political activist.

*[See last previous entry.]

**Yes, it was. [A cutting stapled at p33 on <911201> from The Times of 10/07/1987 headed “however... Henry Stanhope: It's a funny old firmament” (referenced in this volume as 33A] has marked the words “...a surprisingly high proportion of our leading MPs are Aries....”.] {33A}
cf. III.[[Redbook3:160-162][19870409:1345q](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(4)])[9th April 1987],]162.


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