Tuesday 7 July 2015

{Dream: The Peace of God [continued(5)]}[24th October 1983]

[Redbook2:307-311][19831024:1000g]{Dream: The Peace of God [continued(5)]}[24th October 1983]


I awoke at that point and reflected on this. I seemed to have the words 'Second Bretton Woods Conference' in my mind, but it seemed to me at once that at an international conference, such is our misunderstanding of religion in the World, the mention of Jesus Christ our Lord would immediately polarise the participants (or those who noticed at all) for and against what was said. Seeing the headlines this morning, though, it occurs to me that 'Bretton Woods' sounds not unlike 'Beirut' – but I have no way of knowing whether this is significant or not.

cf 237 The Unfinished Church [sic] *[[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral/Church}[9th August 1982]]; the Hall seems to be the secular equivalent, therefore if the U.C. is Inner Circle this should be Outer Circle {Note also clockwise}. The position of the Narrator when the dream (in the Hall) starts may be equivalent to his position when the U.C. dream ends – ie. Diversity. <87082> Surely not. <930117>

[There is a complicated and hardly legible rough sketch plan headed “The Hall of the World” to the right of which is this note:] There is no indication that the two lines at the table were in conflict with each other, or in any way distinguishable from each other; rather the reverse (see [page] 309): I think the point implied is that they look to each other (corporately), rather than to the Centre, as the others look. <930117>

[Able Archer 83 was a ten-day North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) command post exercise starting on November 2, 1983, that spanned Western Europe, centred on the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) Headquarters in Casteau, north of the city of Mons. Able Archer exercises simulated a period of conflict escalation, culminating in a simulated DEFCON 1 coordinated nuclear attack. The exercise also introduced a new, unique format of coded communication, radio silences, and the participation of heads of government.
The realistic nature of the 1983 exercise, coupled with deteriorating relations between the United States and the Soviet Union and the anticipated arrival of Pershing II nuclear missiles in Europe, led some members of the Soviet Politburo and military to believe that Able Archer 83 was a ruse of war, obscuring preparations for a genuine nuclear first strike. In response, the Soviets readied their nuclear forces and placed air units in East Germany and Poland on alert.
The 1983 exercises is considered by many historians to be one of the closest times the world has come to nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The only incident more severe was the Norwegian rocket incident of 1995. The threat of nuclear war ended with the conclusion of the exercise on November 11. (Edited from Wikipedia, 'Able Archer''). See also [Redbook2:304][19831007:1430]{A Dream: The River North Tyne}[7th October 1983], final footnote.]


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