Monday 20 July 2015

{A Thought-Event Connection? – Bombing}[17th December 1983]

[Redbook2:321][19831217:2015e]{A Thought-Event Connection? – Bombing}[17th December 1983]


At about 12.45[am] we arrived at Dr. T's* house in Putney to get some cheques signed. We stayed for a glass of sherry for about – W and I agree – 45 minutes. As we left the road off which he lives, I was aware of a feeling of slight dizziness or disorientation of the head or thoughts; this, however, has happened before, recently, especially last weekend.

As we immediately found ourselves among shoppers, including youngsters, it struck me with some force that it was desperately sad simply to leave all these people to their fate of being blown up by bombs – nuclear ones, of course; what must be done was to insist that we** and the Russians mount a massive exchange program of all schoolchildren, so that the next generation would have sufficient trust in each other to throw down their weapons. The language barrier did not, at that time, seem to be a great problem; but I see now that this original and impractical solution has only once in my knowledge ever been carried out: in Ireland, where Protestant and Catholic children from Ulster were brought down to holiday together in the South, with precisely that idea in mind.

Association may well have been the form of communication there concerning the I[rish] R[epublican] A[rmy] bomb which exploded in Oxford Street at about that time; or it may have been co-incidence.

*Treasurer of the Royal [V...] Society (so-known), a client. <930119>

**[i.e the West, presumably.]


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