Sunday 12 July 2015

{Dream: The Messenger[/s] [continued] (Notes) [continued]}[2nd November 1983]

[Redbook2:314A-314E][19831102:0615b]{Dream: The Messenger[/s] [continued] (Notes) [continued]}[2nd November 1983]


The earlier part of the dream* moved from a realistic 'mystery' set in some kind of institution – what was going on with digging (/construction?) in the grounds of neighbouring building? -- to entry into that building, which had become a slightly distorted fantastical and very Hellish 'military' 'dictatorship'. 'Hero' and others (girl?) – school child age – found themselves in a large empty hall filled with … bicycles?? (She attracted attention?) Suddenly hall filled with (politically?) grotesque threateners – he slipped away but caught up with other prisoners – escaped when he accidentally knocked over kitchen pot in doorway – Armed guard distracted to help. Twisting underground passage of activity: chance to go out but went in to cake-making centre with kind grotesques who gave him cake mix – he climbed up onto quivering roof of inflatable building – Noticed [it was] joined to Headmaster's House (sic) at one end, rest of school ([… House??]) at other – climbed on successive roofs (and previous hostel?) to ground level and noticed air fares absurdly low to …? – then [?] to [secondary school] court, people moving around, whom to trust? – to meet the Bofors. [Strong feeling then that from this point on the story is already known.]

*[See last previous entry]



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