Thursday 30 September 2021

{Nationalism [continued (4)]}[18th August 1990]

[Redbook7:219][19900818:0955f]{Nationalism [continued (4)]}[18th August 1990]



That is not to say that cultures and languages never need to be protected from destruction; but they do not need to be pickled in aspic either: cultures, like individuals [sic], evolve by change, sometimes by sudden, drastic and necessary change.

Cultures should not be forced out of existence, unless there are very good reasons for doing so (as with the ideological culture of the Third Reich, which is a special case); equally, cultures should never be forced on Individuals, [whether] adults or children. Cultural change in Individuals, or between the generations, is an evolutionary process, not a matter of ordination – that is, I[nner] C[ircle], not O[uter] C[ircle].



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