Monday 20 September 2021

{Paranoia Rules: The Middle East [continued]}[12th August 1990]

[Redbook7:212-213][19900813:0032]{Paranoia Rules: The Middle East [continued]}[12th August 1990]




Not* this time, I don’t** think – but what is much more worrying is that Iraq is now boxed in from all directions, save one: Jordan, whose King is clearly feeling the acute strain.

A popular revolt or a Palace coup, real or imagined in Jordan (à la Kuwait),*** could easily bring [Saddam] Hussein of Iraq to the River Jordan and Israel, which would at once increase the chance of serious war with global pollution following, and further destabilise Middle Eastern governments in the face of popular Islamic and anti-Israeli feeling.

King Hussein of Jordan, in his anxiety to survive Iraq and his own people, has distanced himself from his former Western friends; so who will save him from his namesake (or doppelganger) of Iraq?

*[See last previous entry]


***[sic; =?]


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