Thursday 30 September 2021

{Nationalism [continued (3)]}[18th August 1990]

[Redbook7:218-219][19900818:0955e]{Nationalism [continued (3)]}[18th August 1990]



The reason for the unwillingness* to argue about nationalism** – of which patriotism can easily become a sublimation; as Dr Johnson*** said: ‘[Patriotism is] The last refuge of the scoundrel’**** – is, secondarily, that so far as it has a rational basis, this is not in accordance with currently accepted ethics, being basically motivated by selfish emotions; but primarily, because nationalism is not often rationally considered at all (except by those who manipulate it), being a strong tribal instinct arising presumably out of the urgent necessity for economic and physical self-preservation. 

This instinct, #| appropriate to earlier times when men [sic] were relatively powerless, is unnecessary given Man’s present economic potential; and, seeing his destructive power, must appear disastrous.|#

*[of nationalists]

**[See last previous entry but one]

***[Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), English essayist, lexicographer, &c]

****[A statement that would in modern parlance better convey his meaning in its context if reversed: ‘The last refuge of the scoundrel is patriotism’.]

#|...|#(Interruptions from children....)



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