Friday 24 September 2021

{‘Dare to despise wealth....’}[16th August 1990]

[Redbook7:216][19900816:1247]{‘Dare to despise wealth....’}[16th August 1990]


‘Aude, hospes, contemnere opes et te quoque dignum finge deo[,] rebusque veni non asper egenis.’*

‘Dare, my friend,** to despise wealth, and make yourself worthy of the god, and come not harshly to needy circumstances.’***

Virgil, Aeneid, VIII, 364f (quoted in T[each] Y[ourself] Latin, Betts.

– Taken out of context!

*{Take it easy!}


***[Another translation (for example) reads: ‘Have the courage, my guest, to scorn riches; make yourself, too worthy of deity, and come not disdainful of our poverty’ (Loeb Classics,]


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