Sunday 26 September 2021

{Love overcome by Faith}[18th August 1990]

[Redbook7:216-217][19900818:0955]{Love overcome by Faith}[18th August 1990]


Michel ‘Aflaq, one of the founders in 1943 of the Arab Ba’ath party(now of Syria and Iraq), and its principal theoretician, set as its basic creed: ‘Love’. * Later this became ‘Faith’: ‘Faith’ before anything else.’  (This is described in the T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] as “‘Aflaq’s nationalism”, immediately after the para[graph] quoted on p217 below)**.  

It’s quite possible to conclude from this that ideologies of Love are just as dangerous as ideologies of Faith.  In C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] terms, however[,] it represents in a clear form the tendency for systems which are supposed to be I[nner] C[ircle] becoming [sic] quickly O[uter] C[ircle]: 

*ref T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement] 900817-23:865

[‘Accounting for a distorted vision’, Peter Sluglett, reviewing ‘Republic of Fear: Saddam’s Iraq’ by Samir al-Khalil**]

**[See next entry but one, [Redbook7:217-221][19900818:0955c]{Nationalism}[18th August 1990]]



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