Thursday 16 September 2021

{Dream: of Reading, and of Flying}[11th August 1990]

[Redbook7:210-211][19900812:1250]{Dream: of Reading, and of Flying}[11th August 1990]


In a dream last night or early this morning I was examining the flyleaf of a second-hand book which I had just bought, where I could partly make out a name of some importance which I thought might, on this or a similar waking occasion to which this might refer, be the name of a town in South Sussex.

(In waking life, the day before, I had just spent £56 on new and second-hand books of Poetry, and Greek, Latin and German Grammars or Texts.* I now think of the name I was trying to make out as being something like ‘Basset’; but Burgess Hill in Sussex is the town in the location which I have in mind. I had thought that this referred to one of the books I had just bought; but I have checked today, and none has a similar inscription.)**

In my dream, the chair in which I was sitting received a sharp blow from behind, near the top, throwing me forward and almost out. Someone asked what it was, and someone else (me?) said that it was a poltergeist.*** I was prepared for this to happen again; but instead I found myself flying around the room. At first I presumed that I was being, as it were, flown around the room by the same power which had struck my chair; but I soon discovered that I could control completely my own flight. I then flew around the room again, with great ease and even enjoyment.

*(& Fred Hoyle’s ‘The Black Cloud’ to see if [2] was derived from it)

**The only place names written in the fronts of these books are ‘Portsmouth’, ‘Carmarthen’, and ‘Sunderland’.

***(Poltergeists are often thought to be unconscious psychological projections by living Humans)


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