Saturday 31 October 2020

{Hierarchy of Resonances}[5th January 1990]

[Redbook7:12-13][19900105:1655c]{Hierarchy of Resonances}[5th January 1990]



So far as the hierarchy* of other resonances** is concerned { – ( } the Scaling of Gearing*** cannot really be seen in this way, since as we have seen the influence of a cycle’s degree on an event is directly related to the significance of the event in the life of the institution to which that cycle applies,**** ie which that cycle describes { ) – } so far as the hierarchy of other resonances is concerned, it seems from experience# to vary according to the institution described (or the length of the period?).

For example, I feel that in my life contra-rotation has been important, as well as radial resonance. But although radial resonance is important in historical cycles#* – particularly the larger periods – I find no consistency of contra-rotation as between one historical cycle and another. (Circumferential resonance, or ‘creep’, inevitably seems to occur everywhere.)

This inconsistency of contra-rotation as between cycles may be due to the fact that, unlike the other, more ‘mechanical’ resonance(s), contra-rotation uniquely depends upon the outcome of decisions made at C, the crisis point, for that particular cycle: so it may be present to a greater or lesser extent, or absent (whether and when it can be entirely absent is a theoretical question).

*[Underlining inserted later]

**cf III ? [Possibly [Redbook3:98][19870404:1005f]{Resonance}[4th April 1987]]

earlier Vol

[& see last two previous entries]

***ref [last two previous entries] 10-11


#{ie empirically}

#*(especially near CO?) [sic – = Co?]



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